This tool/service synchronises Opensearch with Lagoon. This means that it sets up the required roles and permissions based on Lagoon groups and projects.
Create a Keycloak client with the query-groups
realm management role, and client credential authorization enabled.
See, for example, the lagoon realm export.
This tool is designed to run in a Kubernetes deployment in the same namespace as a lagoon-core chart. It will eventually be rolled into the lagoon-core chart.
The deployment requires:
An image from this repository.
These environment variables:
Name | Description | Example |
Verbose logging (not required, default false ). |
true |
Internal service name of the API DB. | lagoon-core-api-db |
Password to the API DB. | |
HTTP URL to the internal keycloak service. | http://lagoon-core-keycloak:8080/ |
HTTPS URL to the internal Opensearch service. | https://opensearch-cluster-coordinating.opensearch.svc.cluster.local:9200 |
Opensearch CA certificate in PEM format. | |
HTTP URL to the internal Dashboards service. | http://opensearch-dashboards.opensearch-dashboards.svc.cluster.local:5601 |
Client ID of lagoon-opensearch-sync Keycloak client. |
Client secret of lagoon-opensearch-sync Keycloak client. |
Password for the Opensearch admin user. |
- Command
This tool can be used to debug Opensearch/Lagoon integration.
For debugging commands see /lagoon-opensearch-sync --help
If you see errors like this:
2024-05-10T01:41:37.766Z WARN sync/tenants.go:121 couldn't delete tenant {"error": "bad delete tenant response: 500\n{\"status\":\"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR\",\"message\":\"Error [opensearch-cluster-data-0][][indices:data/write/bulk[s]]\"}"}
2024-05-10T01:49:41.950Z ERROR sync/indextemplates.go:81 couldn't get index templates from Opensearch {"error": "couldn't get index templates from Opensearch API: bad index template response: 500\n{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"exception\",\"reason\":\"\"}],\"type\":\"exception\",\"reason\":\"\",\"caused_by\":{\"type\":\"i_o_exception\",\"reason\":null}},\"status\":500}"}
It is likely caused by a problem with the Opensearch Security plugin < v2.2.0.
You can work around it by clearing the cache:
curl -ksSL -u "$USER_AUTH" -XDELETE 'https://localhost:9200/_plugins/_security/api/cache'
Or by upgrading to a supported version of Opensearch.