Compile-time validation to assure all the map/keyword keys exist in the target struct. Use case: maps that will be merged with structs.
Exposes the KeyValidator.for_struct/2
The package can be installed by adding live_stream_async to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
{:key_validator, "~> 0.1.0", runtime: false}
Library ready for testing:
mix test
The macro targets the situations where working with map/keyword literals that will be later cast onto the known structs.
Elixir and Ecto has built-in functions that perform the key validity check, but only at runtime:
In certain situations, the conformity between map/keyword keys can be checked already at the compile-time. One example is when we have present map/keyword literals in our code that we know ahead that will be used for casting onto structs. Let's take a look at the following example:
defmodule User do
defstruct name: "john"
# Following line is a runtime only check:
Kernel.struct!(User, %{name: "Jakub"})
#=> %User{name: "Jakub"}
# Runtime error on key typo:
Kernel.struct!(User, %{nam__e: "Jakub"})
#=> ** (KeyError) key :nam__e not found
The expression Kernel.struct!(User, %{name: "Jakub"})
uses a map literal (%{name: "Jakub"}
). Since the User struct module together with the map literal is defined at the compile time, we can leverage the power of compile-time macros to validate those. This is where KeyValidator.for_struct/2
comes to help:
defmodule User do
defstruct name: "john"
import KeyValidator
# Succesfull validation. Returns the map:
user_map = for_struct(User, %{name: "Jakub"})
#=> %{name: "Jakub"}
Kernel.struct!(User, user_map)
#=> %User{name: "Jakub"}
# Compile time error on "nam__e:" key typo
user_map2 = for_struct(User, %{nam__e: "Jakub"})
#=>** (KeyError) Key :name_e not found in User
As we can see for_struct/2
macro allows some category of errors to be caught at very early stage in the development workflow. No need to wait the code to crash at runtime if there's a opportunity to check the key conformity before that. This is not a silver bullet though: the macro cannot accept dynamic variables, because their content cannot be evaluated during compilation.
Useful to work with Ecto.Query.select_merge/3 when working with virtual_fields
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
field :author_firstname, :string
field :author_lastname, :string
field :author, :string, virtual_field: true
defmodule Posts do
import KeyValidator
def list_posts do
|> select_merge([p], for_struct(Post, %{author: p.author_firstname <> " " <> p.author_lastname}))
|> Repo.all()
The following code will raise a Key Error with message: "Key :author_non_existent_key not found in Post"
defmodule Posts do
import KeyValidator
def list_posts_error do
|> select_merge([p], for_struct(Post, %{author_non_existent_key: "some value"}))
|> Repo.all()