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Daniel Coelho edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 1 revision

Note: This section is only for Utrust team members or external collaborators with permissions.

Since we are not yet publishing our plugin directly into PrestaShop marketplace, the publishing needs to be done manually. Therefore, to release a new version of the current code on the master branch, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Checkout from master to a branch with the version name (e.g.: release-v0.1.3)
  2. Update the version on UTRUST.php line 47
  3. Update with all the significant changes since the last version update
  4. Open Pull-request, ask for approval and merge to master (Don't delete the branch!)
  5. Download the codebase and add it inside a UTRUST folder (Important!)
  6. Zip the UTRUST folder with the name utrust-for-prestashop_v<version-number>.zip
  7. Go to "Releases" and create a new Release:
    1. The "tag version" and "release title" should be the release version (e.g. v0.1.2)
    2. The target branch is the one created in step
    3. Copy the version changes from the
    4. Upload the new to the attachments
    5. Click Publish release
  8. Optionally, send a message to the UTRUST Support team to communicate this new release to Merchants which use PrestaShop.
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