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Fast HTTP (L7) and TCP (L4) tunnels written in Go


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Build Status License: MIT Go Report Card Documentation Downloads

inletsctl automates the task of creating an exit-node on cloud infrastructure. Once provisioned, you'll receive a command to connect with. You can use this tool whether you want to use inlets or inlets-pro for L4 TCP.

It needs to exist as a separate binary and CLI, so that the core inlets tool does not become bloated. The EC2 and AWS SDKs for Golang are very heavy-weight and result in a binary of over 30MB vs the small and nimble inlets and inlets-pro binaries.

Conceptual diagram

Webhook example with Inlets OSS

Case-study with receiving webhooks from


  • Setup L7 HTTP and L4 TCP tunnels for your local services using inlets with inletsctl create
  • Port-forward services your local Kubernetes cluster using inletsctl kfwd

Video demo


In the demo we:

  • Create a cloud host on DigitalOcean with a single command
  • Run a local Python HTTP server
  • Connect our inlets client
  • Access the Python HTTP server via the DigitalOcean Public IP
  • Use the CLI to delete the host

inletsctl is the quickest and easiest way to automate both inlets and inlets-pro, whilst retaining complete control.



  • Provisioner: DigitalOcean
  • Provisioner: Scaleway
  • Provisioner: support
  • Provisioner: Google Cloud
  • Provisioner:
  • Provisioner: AWS EC2
  • Provisioner: Azure
  • inletsctl delete command
  • Add poll interval --poll 5s for use with Civo that applies rate-limiting
  • Install inlets/inlets-pro via inletsctl download #12


  • Enable inletsctl delete via --ip vs. instance ID #2
  • Enable inlets-pro and TCP with inletsctl kfwd #13
  • Generate systemd unit files for tunnels

inlets projects

Inlets is a Cloud Native Tunnel and is listed on the Cloud Native Landscape under Service Proxies.

  • inlets - Cloud Native Tunnel for L7 / HTTP traffic written in Go
  • inlets-pro - Cloud Native Tunnel for L4 TCP
  • inlets-operator - Public IPs for your private Kubernetes Services and CRD
  • inletsctl - Automate the cloud for fast HTTP (L7) and TCP (L4) tunnels

How much will this cost?

The inletsctl create command will provision a cloud host with the provider and region of your choice and then start running inlets server. The host is configured with the standard VM image for Ubuntu or Debian Linux and inlets is installed via userdata/cloud-init.

The provision package contains defaults for OS images to use and for cloud host plans and sizing. You'll find all available options on inletsctl create --help

The cost for cloud hosts varies depending on a number of factors such as the region, bandwidth used, and so forth. A rough estimation is that it could cost around 5 USD / month to host a VM on for DigitalOcean, Civo, or Scaleway. The VM is required to provide your public IP. Some hosting providers supply credits and a free-tier such as GCE and AWS.

See the pricing grid on the inlets-operator for a detailed breakdown.

inletsctl does not automatically delete your exit nodes (read cloud hosts), so you'll need to do that in your dashboard or via inletsctl delete when you are done.

Install inletsctl

# Install to local directory
curl -sLSf | sh

# Install to /usr/local/bin/
curl -sLSf | sudo sh


# Install to local directory
curl -sLSf | sh

# Install to /usr/local/bin/
curl -sLSf | sudo sh

Windows users are encouraged to use git bash to install the inletsctl binary.

Examples for inletsctl create

Examples on how to run inletsctl to create an exit node.


  • You will need inlets on your client


  • After running inletsctl create, the IP address of your exit-node will be returned along with a sample inlets client command, for instance:

    Inlets OSS exit-node summary:
      Auth-token: qFyFzKYQvFSgtl7TM76p5SwWpmHaQGMT405HajiMzIYmwYVgJt1lvAMXfV4S3KlS
      export UPSTREAM=
      inlets client --remote "ws://" \
            --token "qFyFzKYQvFSgtl7TM76p5SwWpmHaQGMT405HajiMzIYmwYVgJt1lvAMXfV4S3KlS" \
            --upstream $UPSTREAM
  • You can delete your exit node using the id given by your cloud provider

    inletsctl delete --access-token-file ~/Downloads/do-access-token --id 164857028

Example usage with Google Compute Engine

  • One time setup required for a service account key

It is assumed that you have gcloud installed and configured on your machine. If not, then follow the instructions here

# Get current projectID
export PROJECTID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project 2>/dev/null)

# Create a service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create inlets \
--description "inlets-operator service account" \
--display-name "inlets"

# Get service account email
export SERVICEACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list | grep inlets | awk '{print $2}')

# Assign appropriate roles to inlets service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECTID \
--member serviceAccount:$SERVICEACCOUNT \
--role roles/compute.admin

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECTID \
--member serviceAccount:$SERVICEACCOUNT \
--role roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

# Create inlets service account key file
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json \
--iam-account $SERVICEACCOUNT
  • Run inlets OSS or inlets-pro
# Create a tunnel with inlets OSS
inletsctl create -p gce --project-id=$PROJECTID -f=key.json

## Create a TCP tunnel with inlets-pro
inletsctl create -p gce -p $PROJECTID --remote-tcp= -f=key.json

# Or specify any valid Google Cloud Zone optional zone, by default it get provisioned in us-central1-a
inletsctl create -p gce --project-id=$PROJECTID -f key.json --zone=us-central1-a

Example usage with DigitalOcean

inletsctl create --access-token-file $HOME/Downloads/do-access-token \

Example with inlets-pro

Let's say we want to forward TCP connections to the IP within our client's network, using inlets-pro, we'd run this using the --remote-tcp flag.

inletsctl create digitalocean --access-token-file ~/Downloads/do-access-token \

Example usage with Scaleway

# Obtain from your Scaleway dashboard:
export TOKEN=""
export SECRET_KEY=""
export ORG_ID=""

inletsctl create --provider scaleway \
  --access-token $TOKEN
  --secret-key $SECRET_KEY --organisation-id $ORG_ID

The region is hard-coded to France / Paris 1.

Examples for inletsctl kfwd

The inletsctl kfwd command can port-forward services from within your local Kubernetes cluster to your local network or computer.

Example usage:

inletsctl kfwd --if --from openfaas-figlet:8080

Then access the service via

Example usage with Azure


Generate Azure auth file

az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > ~/Downloads/client_credentials.json


inletsctl create --provider=azure --subscription-id=4d68ee0c-7079-48d2-b15c-f294f9b11a9e \
  --region=eastus --access-token-file=~/Downloads/client_credentials.json 


inletsctl delete --provider=azure --id inlets-clever-volhard8 \
  --subscription-id=4d68ee0c-7079-48d2-b15c-f294f9b11a9e \
  --region=eastus --access-token-file=~/Downloads/client_credentials.json

Downloading inlets or inlets-pro

The inletsctl download command can be used to download the inlets or inltets-pro binaries from github

Example usage:

# Download the latest inlets binary
inletsctl download

#Download the latest inlets-pro binary
inletsctl download --pro

# Download a specific version of inlets/inlets-pro
inletsctl download --version 2.6.2

Configuration using environment variables

You may want to set an environment variable that points at your access-token-file or secret-key-file

Inlets will look for the following:

# For providers that use --access-token-file

# For providers that use --secret-key-file

With the correct one of these set you wont need to add the flag on every command execution.

You can set the following syntax in your bashrc (or equivalent for your shell)

export INLETS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(cat my-token.txt)

# or set the INLETS_SECRET_KEY for those providors that use this
export INLETS_SECRET_KEY=$(cat my-token.txt)


Add another cloud provisioner

Add a provisioner by sending a PR to the inlets-operator's provision package, once released, you can vendor the package here and add any flags that are required.

Note: only providers and platforms which support cloud-init's user-data scripts are supported.




Fast HTTP (L7) and TCP (L4) tunnels written in Go







No packages published


  • Go 96.6%
  • Shell 2.8%
  • Makefile 0.6%