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4. DB and config Management

Sylvain Girod edited this page Dec 21, 2019 · 2 revisions

VM data export

You can Export VM data from the Database to file using:

VMMgr_Launcher db export myvm

Then reimport using:

VMMgr_Launcher db import /path/to/my/file

Note: keep in mind, depending of your vm def, for services like SPICE, TELNET, VNC, QMP, and even MAC gen, if you export your vm, then delete to db, create other vm, then reimport your vm, chance you will have IP, port and MAC duplication, you will have to manage this manually.

DB Backup and restore

Each time your db is modified, a copy of the current db is made to:


this backup is renamed without 'latest' at next db change: '*.db.latest.bkp' is always a copy of your current db

This db autosaving is automatic

You can list your backup using:

VMMgr_Launcher db backup list

You can restore a backup using:

VMMgr_Launcher db restore backupfile

if you have delete your db you can restore it using:

VMMgr_Launcher db restore last

DB backup purge

In VMMgr_.conf you have 2 variables:

DBMAXAGE # how many day we keep the backup, warn: this can delete all your backup!

DBMAXBACKUP # how many backup files we keep

purge your backups using:

VMMgr_Launcher db purge

Manage vm inconsistency

In case you have your vmconfig file, but your vm is not declared in the db (either you have delete it or restored an old backup), you can use:

VMMgr_Launcher db todb myvm.conf

At the opposite, you have lost your vmconfig, but your vm is declared into the db:

VMMgr_Launcher db reconf myvm

This will ask you what template you want to use