This is the new version of tracking software for the Digital Production Group. It tracks current, in-process and historic digitization orders.
- Go 1.19.0+
- Node 17.9+
- exiftool
- Imagemagick
- Kakadu
The TrackSys2 backend uses a MySQL DB to track everything. The schema is managed by and the scripts are in ./backend/db/migrations.
Install the migrate binary on your host system. For OSX, the easiest method is brew. Execute:
brew install golang-migrate
Define your MySQL connection params in an environment variable, like this:
export TS2DB='mysql://user:password@tcp(host:port)/dbname?x-migrations-table=ts2_schema_migrations'
Run migrations like this:
migrate -database ${TS2DB} -path backend/db/migrations up
Example migrate commads to create a migration and run one:
migrate create -ext sql -dir backend/db/migrations -seq update_user_auth
migrate -database ${TS2DB} -path backend/db/migrations/ up