is a bash program for writing templated Slurm scripts. Slurm is widely used tool for resource management on high-performance computing systems. There are a number of existing tools that provide web-based Slurm script generators. The goal of this project was to develop a tool for "stubbing" job specifications via the command line.
script is available to download from this repository. Once cloned, ensure that the script is executable (chmod +x
) and move to an appropriate bin
in order to call the program directly by name.
git clone
Alternatively, users of the University of Virginia high-performance computing system (Rivanna) can install sstub
by running the following command on the cluster:
bash <(curl -s
Basic usage information is provided if the user runs the program with the -h
sstub -h
usage: sstub
-j job name to be prepended
-i enter job info in interactive interview mode
-A allocation for service unit recovery
-p partition (queue) for the job
-N number of nodes for job
-c number of cores per CPU
-m amount of memory per node (GB)
-t maximum run time for the job in hh::mm::ss format
-z modules to be used
-w write file without opening in vim editor
-h display help