This project is a simple "Coming Soon" webpage designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a basic template that can be customized easily for displaying information about an upcoming event, product launch, or any other future announcement.
Responsive design for various screen sizes. Countdown timer to the specified launch date/time. Minimalistic and clean layout. Preview
HTML CSS JavaScript
Clone the repository:
Copy code git clone Navigate into the project directory:
Copy code cd coming-soon-webpage Open index.html in a web browser.
Modify index.html to update the content such as event title, description, and social media links. Adjust styles in styles.css to change colors, fonts, or layout according to your preferences. Customize the countdown timer in script.js by setting the target date and time.
Uvindu Anuradha (@uvindu94)
This project is open for you all.
*no database or email function is included