Home Assistant integration for the FreeDNS service.
This custom component has been designed to for Home Assistant and allows you to keep your DNS records up to date. This has been heavily based on the official Home Assistant integration which can be found here. It also uses the same domain as the official one but does not attempt to migrate the configuration over.
Please see here for the order of precendence for components.
When setting up the integration you will be asked for the following information.
Full update URL
: this should be the full URL call to make for updates *Access token
: the access token to use *Scan Interval (in minutes)
: the frequency in minutes at which the FreeDNS API should be called (defaults to 10 minutes)
* these options are mutually exclusive
It is possible to configure the following options for the integration.
Scan Interval (in minutes)
: the frequency in minutes at which the FreeDNS API should be called