Simple Multi Theft Auto Lua library for Telegram Bot API
- Type of return argument callback means that you can get it only through callback event (onTelegramCallbackReceive), also to get it you must to pass response_data in function arguments.
This function send message to some chat id.
callback SendMessage( string key, number chat_id, string text, [ number reply_markup, boolean disable_notification, number reply_to_message_id, boolean disable_web_page_preview, table response_data ] )
- key: a key from BotLogin table
- reply_markup: index of keyboard that you can get by InitKeyboard
- response_data: a table with which you can pass various information that will be returned in callback_data, without this table it wont return anything at callback
- chat_id, text, disable_notification, reply_to_message_id, disable_web_page_preview:
Returns Telegram message type at callback event on success (for this you must pass table response_data in function)
- This example sends message that user will write to the bot and then if it success print it with callback_data
function Bot:SendRequest(functionName, ...)
return exports["telegramsam"]:BotSendRequest(self.key, functionName, ...)
addEventHandler("onTelegramCallbackReceive", root, function(cData)
if cData.callback_data.data_id == "mydataid" then
print("Message with text "..cData.text.." sent!")
addEventHandler("onTelegramNewMessage", root, function(message)
Bot:SendRequest("SendMessage",, message.text, false, false, false, false, {data_id="mydataid"})
- This example sends information message whenever player connect to the server
local admin_chat_id = 111
function Bot:SendRequest(functionName, ...)
return exports["telegramsam"]:BotSendRequest(self.key, functionName, ...)
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function(cData)
Bot:SendRequest("SendMessage", admin_chat_id, "Player with name " ..getPlayerName(source).." connected!")
This function deletes the message whose message_id you will pass to function
callback DeleteMessage( string key, number chat_id, number message_id, [ table response_data ] )
- key: a key from BotLogin table
- chat_id, message_id:
- response_data: a table with which you can pass various information that will be returned in callback_data, without this table it wont return anything at callback
Returns execution status in "status" index of callback data table (for this you must pass table response_data in function)
This example delete sent message and prints to console that message was deleted
function Bot:SendRequest(functionName, ...)
return exports["telegramsam"]:BotSendRequest(self.key, functionName, ...)
addEventHandler("onTelegramCallbackReceive", root, function(cData)
if cData.callback_data.data_id == "deletemymessage" then
Bot:SendRequest("DeleteMessage",, cData.message_id, {data_id="messagedeleted"})
elseif cData.callback_data.data_id == "messagedeleted" then
print("message deleted")
addEventHandler("onTelegramNewMessage", root, function(message)
Bot:SendRequest("SendMessage",, message.text, false, false, false, false, {data_id="deletemymessage"})
This function send photo to user
callback SendPhoto( string key, number chat_id, string photo, [ string caption, number reply_markup, number reply_to_message_id, table response_data] )
- key: a key from BotLogin table
- chat_id, caption, reply_to_message_id:
- photo: link to a photo
- reply_markup: index of keyboard that you can get by InitKeyboard
- response_data: a table with which you can pass various information that will be returned in callback_data, without this table it wont return anything at callback
Returns Telegram message type at callback event on success (for this you must pass table response_data in function)
This example sends photo to the user messsage
function Bot:SendRequest(functionName, ...)
return exports["telegramsam"]:BotSendRequest(self.key, functionName, ...)
addEventHandler("onTelegramNewMessage", root, function(message)
Bot:SendRequest("SendPhoto",, "", false, false, message.message_id)
This function edit message by its message_id
callback EditMessage( string key, number chat_id, number message_id, string text, [ boolean caption, table response_data ] )
- key: a key from BotLogin table
- chat_id, text, message_id:
- caption: set to true if you need to edit caption (on photo messages)
- response_data: a table with which you can pass various information that will be returned in callback_data, without this table it wont return anything at callback
Returns Telegram message type at callback event on success (for this you must pass table response_data in function)
This example edits message whenever player quit from server (onPlayerQuit)
local admin_id = 111
local message_id = nil
function Bot:SendRequest(functionName, ...)
return exports["telegramsam"]:BotSendRequest(self.key, functionName, ...)
Bot:SendRequest("SendMessage", admin_id, "This message will edited", false, false, false, false, {id="editmessage"})
addEventHandler("onTelegramCallbackReceive", root, function(callbackData)
if == "editmessage" then
message_id = callbackData.message_id
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function()
if not message_id then return end
Bot:SendRequest("EditMessage", admin_id, message_id, "Player with nickname "..getPlayerName(source).." has quit for some reason")
This function edits message reply markup
EditMessageReplyMarkup( string key, number chat_id, number message_id, number reply_markup, [ table response_data ] )
- key: a key from BotLogin table
- chat_id, message_id:
- reply_markup: index of keyboard that you can get by InitKeyboard
- response_data: a table with which you can pass various information that will be returned in callback_data, without this table it wont return anything at callback
Returns Telegram edited message at callback event on success (for this you must pass table response_data in function)
This example changes message inline keyboard by clicking on button
function Bot:SendRequest(reqName, ...)
return exports["telegramsam"]:BotSendRequest(self.key, reqName, ...)
local MyFirstKeyboard = Bot:SendRequest("InitKeyboard", "firstkb", true)
local MySecondKeyboard = Bot:SendRequest("InitKeyboard", "secondkb", true)
Bot:SendRequest("AddRow", MyFirstKeyboard, {{"Change keyboard 1", "callback1"}})
Bot:SendRequest("AddRow", MySecondKeyboard, {{"Change keyboard 2", "callback2"}})
local function MessageHandler(message)
Bot:SendRequest("SendMessage",, "Buttons", MyFirstKeyboard)
local function CallbackHandler(cData)
if == "callback1" then
Bot:SendRequest("EditMessageReplyMarkup",, cData.message_id, MySecondKeyboard)
elseif == "callback2" then
Bot:SendRequest("EditMessageReplyMarkup",, cData.message_id, MyFirstKeyboard)
addEventHandler("onTelegramCallbackReceive", root, CallbackHandler)
addEventHandler("onTelegramNewMessage", root, MessageHandler)