This is a collection of endpoints to mimic the functionality of a small bank.
1. MongoDb -> `brew install mongodb`
2. Create a database called `bank`
3. Use node 7.8 or higher
1. git clone
2. npm install
3. npm start
4. service listens on port 3000
1. Get list of users
2. Get a specific user by username
3. Create a new user
4. Update a user's details by username
5. Delete a user by username
1. Get list of accounts
2. Get list of accounts by owners
3. Create a new account
4. Update an account's status
5. Delete an account
1. Get balance for a specific account
2. Get balance from accounts for a specific user
3. Deposit money into an account
4. Withdraw money from an account
5. Transfer money to another account
- Abstract out Mongoose from /balances routes
- Write unit test for Accounts routes
- Write unit test for Balances routes