University of Wisconsin Vegetable Disease & Insect Forecasting Network
# install rbenv
sudo apt -y install rbenv
# install ruby-build
mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins
git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build
# or update ruby-build if already installed
git -C "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build pull
# may need to force git to use https
# per
git config --global url."".insteadOf git://
# install ruby with rbenv
rbenv install 3.3.6 # or latest version
# update bundler to latest
gem install bundler
# update gems...
bundle update
# OR if migrating to a new version of Ruby...
rm Gemfile.lock
bundle install
When upgrading Ruby versions, need to change the version number in the documentation above, in .ruby-version
, and in config/deploy.rb
When upgrading to a new version of Rails, run the update task with THOR_MERGE="code -d $1 $2" rails app:update
. This will use VSCode as the merge conflict tool.
# install postgres
sudo apt -y install postgresql-16 postgresql-client-16 libpq-dev
sudo service postgresql start
# Set postgres user password to 'password'
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "alter user postgres with password 'password'"
# install gem pg
gem install pg
and pnpm
# install npm
sudo apt install npm
npm -v
# install n, Node's version manager
sudo npm install -g n
# install the latest stable version of Node
sudo n stable
node -v
# install pnpm
curl -fsSL | sh -
pnpm -v
# install packages
pnpm install
# or update packages to latest - be sure to test for breaking changes after updates
pnpm up --latest
- Install core dependencies listed above.
- Install ruby gems with
bundle install
and node packages withpnpm install
- Setup database with
bundle exec rails db:setup
- Run ag-weather server on port 8080 with
ag-weather> bundle exec rails s
- Run ag-vdifn server with
- Launch site by visiting
in browser
# check ruby code for style
bundle exec standardrb --fix
# Ruby specs
bundle exec rspec
# JS specs
pnpm test
# Check for build success
pnpm build
Work with db admin to authorize your ssh key for the deploy user. Confirm you can access the dev and production servers:
ssh -p 216
ssh -p 216
Then run the following commands from the main branch to deploy:
- Staging:
cap staging deploy
- Production:
cap production deploy
Deployment targets:
- Staging:
- Production: