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vPOS Ruby

Ruby Gem Version

This ruby library helps you easily interact with the vPOS API, Allowing merchants apps/services to request a payment from a client through his/her mobile phone number.

The service currently works for solutions listed below:

  • EMIS GPO (Multicaixa Express)

Want to know more about how we are empowering merchants in Angola? See our website


  • Simple interface
  • Uniform plain old objects are returned by all official libraries, so you don't have to serialize/deserialize the JSON returned by our API.


Does interacting directly with our API service sound better to you? See our documentation on


gem 'vpos', '~> 2.0.0'


gem install vpos


This ruby library requires you to have:

  • POS_ID provided by EMIS that can be requested through your support bank.
  • Supervisor Card provided by EMIS that can be requested through your support bank.
  • Token provided by vPOS that can be generated through vPOS merchant portal.
  • Ruby 2.6 or higher

Don't have this information? Talk to us

Given you have all the requirements above, you will now be able to authenticate and communicate effectively with our API using this library.

The next section will show the various actions that can be performed by you, the merchant.


Create Instance

require 'vpos'

# use the default environment variables option
vpos =

# or use optional arguments option
vpos = 'your_token_here')

Environment variables

Variable Description Required
GPO_POS_ID The Point of Sale ID provided by EMIS true
MERCHANT_VPOS_TOKEN The API token provided by vPOS true
PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL The URL that will handle payment notifications false
REFUND_CALLBACK_URL The URL that will handle refund notifications false

or using one of the optional arguments

Optional Arguments

Argument Description Type
token Token generated at vPOS dashboard string
pos_id Merchant POS ID provided by EMIS string
payment_callback_url Merchant application JSON endpoint to accept the callback payment response string
refund_callback_url Merchant application JSON endpoint to accept the callback refund response string

Get a specific Transaction

Retrieves a transaction given a valid transaction ID:

# Using a env variable token MERCHANT_VPOS_TOKEN
transaction = vpos.get_transaction(transaction_id: '1jHbXEbRTIbbwaoJ6w06nLcRG7X')
# Or using a explicitly stated token
transaction = vpos.get_transaction(transaction_id: '1jHbXEbRTIbbwaoJ6w06nLcRG7X', token: 'EbRTIbb1jHbXEbRTIbbwaoJ6w06nLcRG7X')
# {
#   :status_code=>200,
#   :message=>"OK",
#   :data=> {
#      :amount=>"1.23",
#      :clearing_period=>156,
#      :id=>"29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4",
#      :mobile=>"900000000",
#      :parent_transaction_id=>nil,
#      :pos_id=>111,
#      :status=>"accepted",
#      :status_datetime=>"2022-05-25T18:25:39Z",
#      :status_reason=>nil,
#      :type=>"payment"
#    }
# }
Argument Description Type Required
transaction_id An existing Transaction ID string Yes
token Merchant token generated at vPOS merchant portal string No (if set as env variable)

New Payment Transaction

Creates a new payment transaction given a valid mobile number associated with a MULTICAIXA account and a valid amount:

# Using a env variable token MERCHANT_VPOS_TOKEN
request = vpos.new_payment(customer: '900111222', amount: '123.45')
# Or using a explicitly stated token
request = vpos.new_payment(customer: '900111222', amount: '123.45', token: 'EbRTIbb1jHbXEbRTIbbwaoJ6w06nLcRG7X')
# {:status_code=>202, :message=>"ACCEPTED", :location=>"/api/v1/requests/29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4"}

request_id = vpos.get_request_id(request)
# "29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4"

transaction = vpos.get_transaction(transaction_id: "29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4")
# {
#   :status_code=>200,
#   :message=>"OK",
#   :data=> {
#      :amount=>"1.23",
#      :clearing_period=>156,
#      :id=>"29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4",
#      :mobile=>"900000000",
#      :parent_transaction_id=>nil,
#      :pos_id=>111,
#      :status=>"accepted",
#      :status_datetime=>"2022-05-25T18:25:39Z",
#      :status_reason=>nil,
#      :type=>"payment"
#    }
# }
Argument Description Type Required
customer The mobile number of the client who will pay string Yes
amount The amount the client should pay, eg. "259.99", "259000.00" string Yes
token Merchant token generated at vPOS merchant portal string No (if set as env variable)
callback_url A valid https url where vPOS is going to callback as soon he finishes to process string No

Request Refund

Given an existing parent_transaction_id, request a refund using a env variable token.

# Using a env variable token MERCHANT_VPOS_TOKEN
request = vpos.new_refund(parent_transaction_id: '29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4')
# Or using a explicitly stated token
request = vpos.new_refund(parent_transaction_id: '29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4', token: 'EbRTIbb1jHbXEbRTIbbwaoJ6w06nLcRG7X')
# {:status_code=>202, :message=>"ACCEPTED", :location=>"/api/v1/requests/29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj3"}

request_id = vpos.get_request_id(request)
# "29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj3"

transaction = vpos.get_transaction(transaction_id: "29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj3")
# {
#   :status_code=>200,
#   :message=>"OK",
#   :data=> {
#      :amount=>"1.23",
#      :clearing_period=>156,
#      :id=>"29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj3",
#      :mobile=>nil,
#      :parent_transaction_id=>29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4,
#      :pos_id=>nil,
#      :status=>"accepted",
#      :status_datetime=>"2022-05-25T18:25:39Z",
#      :status_reason=>nil,
#      :type=>"refund"
#    }
# }
Argument Description Type Required
parent_transaction_id The ID of transaction you wish to refund string
token Merchant token generated at vPOS merchant portal string No (if set as env variable)
callback_url A valid https url where vPOS is going to callback as soon he finishes to process string No

Poll Transaction Status

Poll the status of a transaction given a valid request_id

Note: The request_id in this context is essentially the transaction_id of an existing request.

# Using a env variable token
request = vpos.get_request(request_id: '29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj5')
# Or using a explicitly stated token
request = vpos.get_request(request_id: '29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj5', token: 'EbRTIbb1jHbXEbRTIbbwaoJ6w06nLcRG7X')
# {:status_code=>303, :message=>"ACCEPTED", :location=>"/api/v1/transactions/29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj5"}

request_id = vpos.get_request_id(request)
# "29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj5"

transaction = vpos.get_transaction(transaction_id: "29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj5")
# {
#   :status_code=>200,
#   :message=>"OK",
#   :data=> {
#      :amount=>"1.23",
#      :clearing_period=>156,
#      :id=>"29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj5",
#      :mobile=>nil,
#      :parent_transaction_id=>29fTRtkFaf8cQklRuHTvGDaecj4,
#      :pos_id=>nil,
#      :status=>"accepted",
#      :status_datetime=>"2022-05-25T18:25:39Z",
#      :status_reason=>nil,
#      :type=>"refund"
#    }
# }
Argument Description Type Required?
request_id The ID of transaction you wish to poll string Yes
token Merchant token generated at vPOS merchant portal string No (if set as env variable)

Have any doubts?

In case of any doubts, bugs, or the like, please leave an issue. We would love to help.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.