This is a maven multi-module project including all vaadin flow components.
branch is the latest version of all the components that will be released in the Vaadin platform.
It's provided a script that facilitates running most common tasks for running or testing components.
Execute ./scripts/
and select the appropriate menu options.
NOTE: a valid unix terminal with a regular shell is needed for running the utility.
mvn clean compile -Drelease -T 2C
mvn clean test-compile -DskipFrontend -T 2C
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Drelease -T 2C
mvn -am -pl vaadin-checkbox-flow-parent/vaadin-checkbox-flow-integration-tests -DskipTests package jetty:run
Then navigate to http://localhost:8080/vaadin-checkbox/checkbox-test
to see the IT page.
mvn -am -pl vaadin-checkbox-flow-parent/vaadin-checkbox-flow-integration-tests verify
NOTE: this takes a long while and consumes a lot of resources in your computer, it's better to run tests in the merged repo as it is indicated in the following sections
mvn clean verify -T 2C
There is a able to visit all IT modules and merge then into one unique module. It does substitutions in sources so as routes do no conflict, and also adjust ports etc.
NOTE: By default it merges all modules, but it's also possible to merge certain modules by passing arguments
./scripts/mergeITs.js button text-field crud
It should take around 15-20 minutes depending on the computer capabilities.
mvn verify -Drun-it -pl integration-tests
NOTE: that we need to activate the module with the -Drun-it
property. By default it runs 4 tests in parallel but you can change it by setting -Dfailsafe.forkCount=5
The time it takes depends on the number of browsers and the modules tested.
To select which browsers to test, set the TESTBENCH_GRID_BROWSERS
environment variable with a list of browsers.
Then run the following command, replacing the ***
with your Sauce Labs credentials.
For testing one component run:
mvn verify -Dsauce.user=*** -Dsauce.sauceAccessKey=*** -pl vaadin-checkbox-flow-parent/vaadin-checkbox-flow-integration-tests
For running all merged components execute:
mvn verify -Dsauce.user=*** -Dsauce.sauceAccessKey=*** -Drun-it -pl integration-tests
Make sure the root level dependencies are installed
npm install
Serve the IT pages of the component whose tests you want to debug
- See "Serving the IT pages of a component" above
Run the tests for the component once to have the necessary dependencies installed
node ./scripts/wtr.js grid
Move to the integration tests module of the component
cd vaadin-grid-flow-parent/vaadin-grid-flow-integration-tests
Start the test runner in watch mode
npx web-test-runner --playwright test/**/*.test.ts --node-resolve --watch
NOTE: The tests actually import the client module under test from ..integration-tests/frontend/generated/jar-resources
For faster feedback loop you can work on the generated file directly. Just be careful not to lose your changes to it since it's not under version control.
To update the version for all modules for a new major or minor, run the following command:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<next-version> -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
where you replace <next-version>
with the version that you want to set.
The ./scripts/
script is though to be run in CI, it compiles all modules, merge IT's and run those.
It expects TBLICENSE
variables when run in the CI server.
Optionally it's possible to run just a bunch of modules e.g. ./scripts/ grid combo-box
To use the component in an application using maven,
add the following dependency to your pom.xml
For submitting pull requests to this repo please check our contributing guidelines.
There are scripts available for updating the @NpmPackage
annotation to its latest patch version:
In order to align all component buids, maven pom files are generated from templates placed in scripts/templates
If you need to make any modification in a component, consider whether it is convenient to add the same to all components, then modify files under the template and run:
Run mvn spotless:apply
before pushing your code.
- Bug tickets and enhancement requests for the web component implementations should go to the Vaadin web components monorepo
- Issues that are not component-specific (e.g. requests for new components) or encompass multiple Flow components should be posted in this repository.
For specific module(s), check the LICENSE file under the parent module.