Welcome to Virtual Horizon, a remote education startup leveraging a React JS frontend and Golang backend. We integrate adaptive learning algorithms, secure APIs, cloud-based databases, and agile methodologies for efficient development. Our platform is hosted on cloud infrastructure to ensure high availability and scalability.
For local development, This command runs all the services directly from the code on your computer.
docker-compose up -d
This command starts all services defined in the docker-compose.yaml file.
To run this application, use the docker-compose-prod.yaml file. This pulls the latest backend and frontend images of the virtual horizon from the docker hub and runs the images directly. No setups are required except docker and docker-compose.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yaml up -d
This command starts all services in detached mode.
- WebRTC Implementation for video conferencing
- Code improvements
- Replacing axios with RTK
- Use Dispatch for Notifications