Tool to automate kiting without any attack speed limit, game mode, or entity. The main purpose is help AD Carry players, not limited to any other role. It should be used only for practice, since it creates an huge advantage over a normal player.
- Nearest.
- Most feed.
- Less AA.
- Auto last hit minions.
If it's manual, you have to use a key. If it's auto, it will lasthit with Orbwalk key while enemies aren't in range.
- Auto kite minions.
- Show current enemy position.
- Show prioritized target.
- Show current enemy health.
- Show local player range.
- Show enemy player range.
- Show needed AA.
- Show gold.
- Show enemy ward/vision.
- Limit position.
- Limit drawings fps.
- Including Blue / Red / Crab.
- Toggle external scripts ON/OFF.
- Limit external scripts drawings fps.
- Download and Install Python 3.10.10
- Download VakScript zip file.
- Download and Install pyMeow zip release file. (
- Extract VakScript and install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start
- Head over to the community scripts channel on our discord. (
- Download a add-on of your choice.
- Move said add-on to your scripts folder you can find it within the folder you got either from compiling Vak yourself, or by downloading a already compiled version through this repository's releases section.
- Run the script.
- Hop into a game and enjoy.
- Start Auto_Build_VakScript.bat.
- Start builded script from VakScript v**.** folder as admin.
Based on outdated source:
- Yes, it doesn't use any internal game function. All it does is through external memory reading.
- Discord group:
- Discord: Vakdev Zet#5964
- YouTube: