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Ana Carolina Cerqueira anacarolinacerqueira
QA Analyst and continuous learner :)

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Luiz Carlos Morais CarlosMorais
MBA em Inteligência Artificial, MBA em Engenharia De Software, MBA em Desenv. Mobile, Bacharel em Sistemas De Informação, Líder Técnico - Dev Full Stack
Evan You yyx990803
Husband, father of two, independent OSS dev. @vuejs, @vitejs, @rolldown, and more. Connoisseur of sushi.


Ana Paula Mendes anapaulamendes
Sr Software Engineer

@jusbrasil Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

Danilo Almeida danilo94
Software Engineer, and sometimes content creator 🤠

Cadence Design Systems Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Tiago Gouvêa TiagoGouvea
Senior Developer and CEO at

@app-masters Juiz de Fora - MG - Brasil

Tiago França tiagofrancafernandes
PHP and Laravel developer. Worked with Linux, Laravel, SQl and infrastructure since 2009. I am programming teacher also.

F2 Sistemas e Ensino Curitiba PR, Brasil

Lincoln M. Costa lincolncosta
Doutorando no Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação da UFRJ, Engenheiro de Software pela UTFPR e apaixonado pela tecnologia.

COPPE | UFRJ | UTFPR Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Priscyla Santos PriscylaSantos
Backend Developer | Python | PHP

Spassu Juiz de Fora, MG - Brasil

Andrews Medina andrewsmedina
Software Engineer at Indaband

@indaband Salvador

Rafael Levi rafaellevissa
I am a Full-stack Software developer, with over 10 years of experience.

Areopagus Salvador

Marcos Pereira mvnp

Autonomo Palhoça, SC, Brasil

Jonathan Lamim jlamim
High Performance Websites | UX Writer | Webwriter | Writer

Jonathan Lamim Negócios & Soluções Digitais Espírito Santo - Brasil

Jean Xavier jean-xavier
C++, Python, JavaScript & Java Dev. Blockchain Enthusiast. Software Developer
Lonnie Ezell lonnieezell

New Myth Media Springfield, MO, USA

Fabrício da Silva Dias silvadias22
Meu nome é Fabrício da Silva Dias, tenho 20 e poucos anos, sou estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas e sou estagiário!


Rodrigo Soares soaresrodrigo
Full Stack Web Developer.
Naoufal D. B. Neufal777

Major League Hacking | Flanks Barcelona | Remote

David Pennington xeoncross
Full stack Go, Typescript, and Python developer. Mostly React UI's with Go & NodeJS backends (using Python for NLP).

Moving littlebig/biglittle data globally Dallas, Texas

Afonso Pacifer afonsopacifer
DevRel & Platform Front-End Specialist @ Neoway

Neoway São Paulo - SP, Brazil

Sindre Sorhus sindresorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
Keven Jesus kevenjesus
Teacher, Front-end Developer, Crazy

Mixin Educacional São Paulo,Brazil

José Cage JoseCage
Showing to the world how Open Source can change lifes. Creator of @givebloodorg

Luanda, Angola

Dominik Liebler domnikl
Senior Developer @yazio, strong interest in Rust, Go, and TypeScript

@YAZIO Germany

Dan Trenz dtrenz

Detroit Labs Ann Arbor, MI USA

Martin Bean martinbean

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Sara Golemon sgolemon

FN30as12vu, EN61, and CM87

Gilglécio Oliveira gilglecio
Desenvolvedor Web Full Stack

@trilote Teixeira de Freitas / BA

Tadeu Barbosa tadeubdev
Inteligência Artificial | PHP | JS | Node | Python | Docker

Espírito Santo, Brasil

Luiz Alves Zizaco


Bruno Queiroz BrunoMoreno
Self-taught software developer, focused in Python, Go and Ruby.

Celero Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil