👋 Hi, I’m @valenciaHQ
I'm Software engineer. I'm Gamer. I'm Argentinian.
I've been a software engineer for over 10 years, from 2017 I focused my career path mostly on Frontend. I'm a team player but I also know how to be independent. I do like mentoring, ordering, good practices, and research.
In the beginning, I mostly focused on Backend technologies but over the years I've started to feel curious about Frontend technologies and architecture.
Over the last years, I've been focused on Frontend, especially on React, Nextjs, and Typescript.
🌱 I'm currently learning about Web3, Server Side rendering and playing tennis
Software Developer - Javascript/ Typescript / React / Nextjs / Nestjs
📫 Reach me at alejandro.d.valencia@gmail.com / www.valenciahq.com / discord: valenciaHQ#8444