React Styleguidist is a component development environment with hot reloaded dev server and a living style guide that you can share with your team. It lists component propTypes
and shows live, editable usage examples based on Markdown files. Check out the demo style guide.
- Getting Started: install and run Styleguidist
- Documenting components: how to write documentation
- Locating components: point Styleguidist to your React components
- Configuring webpack: tell Styleguidist how to load your code
- Cookbook: how to solve common tasks with Styleguidist
- Basic style guide, source
- Style guide with sections, source
- Style guide with customized styles, source
- Style guide with custom express endpoints, source
- Create React App integration, source
Real projects using React Styleguidist:
- Rumble Charts
- better-react-spinkit
- Semantic UI Components for React
- Dialog Components
- Bulma Components
- Yammer Components
- More projects…
- Create React App — just works, see the Getting Started guide!
- Create React App + TypeScript, see Configuring webpack
- TypeScript, see react-docgen-typescript
- Vue, see Vue Styleguidist
- snapguidist: snapshot testing for React Styleguidist
- react-styleguidist-visual: automated visual testing for React Styleguidist, using Puppeteer and pixelmatch
- styleguidist-scrapper: scrapper script for documentation generated by React Styleguidist
The change log can be found on the Releases page.
Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to read the contributing guidelines and the developer guide.