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Dilly Dalle - Stable Diffusion

A telegram bot integrating with the AUTOMATIC1111 stable diffusion interface to bring genAI images directly to your chats.

Supported Commands

Command Parameters Function
/picgen prompt Generate a new image based on the prompt
/variation an image + a text prompt Generate a variation of the supplied image
/variation replied to an image + a text prompt Generate a variation of the supplied image
/safemode on|off Turn spoiler filtered images on or off
/teach %keyword replacement text Teach a word that you can substitue in prompts using the % sign as a marker
/forget %keyword Frogets the taught keyword
/mywords Display all your known words


  • The bot works based on user + chat combinations. On first image generation, the user and chat combination will be logged into a table in the database, and will be used for the custom commands
  • Safemode status and words are user+chat specific
  • The user/chat combination is only logged on image generation; safemode and aliasing will not work until at least one image has been generated


Stable Diffusion is not part of the package; you will need to first set up the SD Web UI, and launch it in API mode (--noui). Once you have it set, create a telegram bot using @BotFather. You can set all details as you like, the bot is 100% in your control.

Set the bot commands to these:

start - Start the bot
picgen - Create new image from prompt
variation - Create a variation from the image
teach - Teach aliases to be replaced in the prompts
forget - Forget a learned alias
mywords - Get a list of all your aliases
safemode - Toggle spoiler filter mode

Grab your bot token, and bot username. and paste them into the docker-compose.yml env variables:

version: "3.9"
    container_name: "dilly-dalle-sd-bot"
    build: .
    restart: always
    - "DATABASE_URL=/app/data/sqlite/dilly-dalle-sd.db" # Only modify if you want different volume mappings. If you change the filename update
      - ./data:/app/data # sqlite db and generated images

Make sure to adjust the STABLE_DIFFUSION_URL to point to your host address if you're running SD on a different machine.

Afterwards, start the container with:

docker compose up -d

This will build the image and start a container. The generated images and the back-end sqlite database will be stored in the data directory created when starting.


This code is being released under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

Additionally, the following third party libraries are used, without modification:

Library Version License
python-telegram-bot 21.2 GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
requests 2.31.0 Apache License 2.0
Pillow 10.2.0 Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND)
apsw Open Source License

General Notices This software dynamically links to libraries that are licensed under licenses differing from CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Users are informed of their rights under this license and can obtain the source code of these libraries from the respective repositories linked above.


Please use the github issues page to report bugs and problems.

If you want to contribute, feel free to buy me a coffee.


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