This repository contains the necessary scripts to run the method ExTrack. ExTrack is a method to detemine kinetics of particles able to transition between different motion states. It can assess diffusion coefficients, transition rates, localization error as well as annotating the probability for any track to be in each state for every time points. It can produce histograms of durations in each state to highlight none-markovian transition kinetics. Eventually it can be used to refine the localization precision of tracks by considering the most likely positions which is especially efficient when the particle do not move.
More details on the methods are available on BioarXiv
ExTrack has been designed and implemented by François Simon in the laboratory of Sven van Teeffelen at University of Montreal. ExTrack is primarerly implemented as a python package. An additional version of ExTrack is available on Fiji via Trackmate thanks to Jean-Yves Tinevez with reduced functionality
See the Wiki section for more information on how to install and use ExTrack.
- numpy
- lmfit
- xmltodict
- matplotlib
- pandas
Optional: jupyter, cupy
(needs to be run in anaconda prompt for anaconda users on windows)
pip install numpy lmfit xmltodict matplotlib pandas
pip install extrack
the current version (1.5) has working but oudated version of the position refinement method. It may only work for 2-state models. This will be updated as soon as possible.
ExTrack can deal with tracks saved with TrackMate xml format or csv format by using the integrated readers
sudo apt install git
(if git is not installed)
git clone
cd ExTrack
sudo python install
Need to install git if not already installed.
git clone
One can also just manually download the package if git is not installed. Once extracted the folder may be named ExTrack-main
cd ExTrack
or cd ExTrack-main
python install
from the ExTrack directory
Tutorials for the python package of ExTrack are available.
A first tutorial allows the user to have an overview of all the possibilities of the different modules of ExTrack ( This jupyter notebook tutorial shows the whole pipeline:
- Loading data sets (
- Initialize parameters of the model (
- Fitting.
- Probabilistic state annotation.
- Histograms of state duration.
- Position refinement.
- Saving results.
from loading data sets to saving results at these location:
- tests/
- or Tutorials/tutorial_extrack.ipynb
These contain the most important modules in a comprehensive framework. We recommand following the tutorial tutorial_extrack.ipynb which uses Jupyter notebook as it is more didactic. One has to install jupyter to use it: pip install jupyter
in the anaconda prompt for conda users.
Document here how to open a Jupyter notebook
The distance units of the parameters (input and output) are the same unit as the units of the tracks. Our initial parameters are chosen to work for micron units but initial parameters can be changed to match other units. The rate parameters are rates per frame. Rates per second can be inferred from the rates per frame by dividing them by the time in between frames.
extrack.tracking.param_fitting : performs the fit to infer the parameters of a given data set.
extrack.visualization.visualize_states_durations : plot histograms of the duration in each state.
extrack.tracking.predict_Bs : predicts the states of the tracks.
extrack.simulate_tracks.sim_FOV : allows to simulate tracks.
extrack.exporters.extrack_2_pandas : turn the outputs from ExTrack to a pandas dataframe. outputed dataframe can be save with dataframe.to_csv(save_path)
extrack.exporters.save_extrack_2_xml : save extrack data to xml file (trackmate format).
extrack.visualization.visualize_tracks : show all tracks in a single plot.
extrack.visualization.plot_tracks : show the longest tracks on separated plots
This program is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or upper (GPLv3+).
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Multiple CPU Parallelization can be performed in get_2DSPT_params with the argument worker the number of cores used for the job (equal to 1 by default). Warning: Do not work on windows.
GPU parallelization used to be available but may not be compatible with the current CPU parallelization, GPU parallelization uses the package cupy which can be installed as described here : The cupy version will depend on your cuda version which itself must be compatible with your GPU driver and GPU. Usage of cupy requires a change in the module extrack/tracking (line 4) : GPU_computing = True
Francois Simon
Send to bugtracker or to email.
- Redo the script for Refined positions to match the current version.
- Try approximations based on 'm' and 's' values instead of fixed window length.