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A Terraform module to deploy a WireGuard VPN server on AWS. Can also used to run one or more servers behind a loadbalancer, for redundancy.


Before using this module, you'll need to generate a key pair for your server and client, and store the server's private key and client's public key in AWS SSM, which cloud-init will source and add to WireGuard's configuration.

  • Install the WireGuard tools for your OS:
  • Generate a key pair for each client
    • wg genkey | tee client1-privatekey | wg pubkey > client1-publickey
  • Generate a key pair for the server
    • wg genkey | tee server-privatekey | wg pubkey > server-publickey
  • Add the server private key to the AWS SSM parameter: /wireguard/wg-server-private-key
    • aws ssm put-parameter --name /wireguard/wg-server-private-key --type SecureString --value $ServerPrivateKeyValue
  • Add each client's public key, along with the next available IP address as a key:value pair to the wg_client_public_keys map. See Usage for details.


Variable Name Type Required Description
subnet_ids list Yes A list of subnets for the Autoscaling Group to use for launching instances. May be a single subnet, but it must be an element in a list.
ssh_key_id string Yes A SSH public key ID to add to the VPN instance.
vpc_id string Yes The VPC ID in which Terraform will launch the resources.
env string Optional - defaults to prod The name of environment for WireGuard. Used to differentiate multiple deployments.
eip_id string Optional The EIP ID to which the VPN server will attach. Useful for avoiding changing IPs.
target_group_arns string Optional The Loadbalancer Target Group to which the vpn server ASG will attach.
associate_public_ip_address boolean Optional - defaults to true Whether or not to associate a public ip.
additional_security_group_ids list Optional Used to allow added access to reach the WG servers or allow loadbalancer health checks.
asg_min_size integer Optional - default to 1 Number of VPN servers to permit minimum, only makes sense in loadbalanced scenario.
asg_desired_capacity integer Optional - default to 1 Number of VPN servers to maintain, only makes sense in loadbalanced scenario.
asg_max_size integer Optional - default to 1 Number of VPN servers to permit maximum, only makes sense in loadbalanced scenario.
instance_type string Optional - defaults to t2.micro Instance Size of VPN server.
wg_server_net cidr address and netmask Yes The server ip allocation and net - wg_client_public_keys entries MUST be in this netmask range.
wg_client_public_keys list Yes List of maps of client IP/netmasks and public keys. See Usage for details. See Examples for formatting.
wg_server_port integer Optional - defaults to 51820 Port to run wireguard service on, wireguard standard is 51820.
wg_persistent_keepalive integer Optional - defaults to 25 Regularity of Keepalives, useful for NAT stability.

Please see the following examples to understand usage with the relevant options..

Simple EIP/public subnet usage

resource "aws_eip" "wireguard" {
  vpc = true
  tags = {
    Name = "wireguard"

module "wireguard" {
  source                = ""
  ssh_key_id            = "ssh-key-id-0987654"
  vpc_id                = "vpc-01234567"
  subnet_ids            = ["subnet-01234567"]
  eip_id                = "${}"
  wg_server_net         = "" # client IPs MUST exist in this net
  wg_client_public_keys = [
    {"" = "QFX/DXxUv56mleCJbfYyhN/KnLCrgp7Fq2fyVOk/FWU="}, # make sure these are correct
    {"" = "+IEmKgaapYosHeehKW8MCcU65Tf5e4aXIvXGdcUlI0Q="}, # wireguard is sensitive
    {"" = "WO0tKrpUWlqbl/xWv6riJIXipiMfAEKi51qvHFUU30E="}, # to bad configuration

Complex ELB/private subnet usage

module "wireguard" {
  source                        = ""
  ssh_key_id                    = "ssh-key-id-0987654"
  vpc_id                        = "vpc-01234567"
  additional_security_group_ids = [] # for ssh health checks, see below
  subnet_ids                    = ["subnet-76543210"] # You'll want a NAT gateway on this, but we don't document that.
  target_group_arns             = ["arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:123456789:targetgroup/wireguard-prod/123456789"]
  asg_min_size                  = 1 # a sensible minimum, which is also the default
  asg_desired_capacity          = 2 # we want two servers running most of the time
  asg_max_size                  = 5 # this cleanly permits us to allow rolling updates, growing and shrinking
  associate_public_ip_address   = false # we don't want eip, we want all our traffic out of a single NAT for whitelisting simplicity
  wg_server_net                 = "" # client IPs MUST exist in this net
  wg_client_public_keys = [
    {"" = "QFX/DXxUv56mleCJbfYyhN/KnLCrgp7Fq2fyVOk/FWU="}, # make sure these are correct
    {"" = "+IEmKgaapYosHeehKW8MCcU65Tf5e4aXIvXGdcUlI0Q="}, # wireguard is sensitive
    {"" = "WO0tKrpUWlqbl/xWv6riJIXipiMfAEKi51qvHFUU30E="}, # to bad configuration

resource "aws_lb" "wireguard" {
  name                             = "wireguard"
  load_balancer_type               = "network"
  internal                         = false
  subnets                          = ["subnet-876543210"] # typically a public subnet

resource "aws_security_group" "wireguard_ssh_check" {
  name   = "wireguard_ssh_check"
  vpc_id = "vpc-01234567"

  # SSH access from the CIDR, which allows our healthcheck to complete
  ingress {
    from_port   = 22
    to_port     = 22
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = # range that covers public subnet_ids, aws_lb will check the hosts from these ranges

resource "aws_lb_target_group" "wireguard" {
  name_prefix          = "wireguard"
  port                 = 51820
  protocol             = "UDP"
  vpc_id               = "vpc-01234567"

  health_check {
    port     = 22 # make sure to add additional_security_group_ids with a rule to allow ssh from the loadbalancer range so this test passes.
    protocol = "TCP"


resource "aws_lb_listener" "wireguard" {
  load_balancer_arn = aws_lb.wireguard.arn
  port              = 51820
  protocol          = "UDP"

  default_action {
    type             = "forward"
    target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.wireguard.arn


Output Name Description
vpn_asg_name The name of the wireguard Auto Scaling Group
vpn_sg_admin_id ID of the internal Security Group to associate with other resources needing to be accessed on VPN.
vpn_sg_external_id ID of the external Security Group to associate with the VPN.


  • I would strongly recommend forking this repo or cloning it locally and change the source definition to be something that you control. You really don't want your infra to be at the mercy of my changes.


Terraform module to deploy WireGuard on AWS







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