go up, go down, now turn left, nope its not there
script tags:
<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/vanillawc/wc-router@2.2.4/src/index.js"></script>
- production ready: yes !
- lazy loading is default behaviour, put the "eager" attribute to change this !,
Note : see a usage guide here
<wc-route-base> tags contain common html, the html inside these tags
is loaded first, then if the <wc-route-base> tags html contains a
<wc-route-insert> tag, this tag is replaced with the contents of the
<wc-route> tag, and then the route is rendered and shown
<wc-route path="/"
p-title="page 1"
<wc-route path="/page2" file="/pages/page2.html" p-title="page 2"></wc-route>
<wc-route path="/page3" file="/pages/page3.html" p-title="page 3" eager></wc-route>
<wc-route-base file="/pages/cats/base.html">
<wc-route path="/cat/albert" file="/pages/cats/albert.html" p-title="albert the cat"></wc-route>
<wc-route path="/cat/betty" file="/pages/cats/betty.html" p-title="betty the cat"></wc-route>
<wc-route path="/:variable/page4" file="/pages/page4.html" eager></wc-route>
<wc-route path="/abc/path:all" file="/pages/catch-all-abc.html"></wc-route>
<wc-route path="/path:all" file="/pages/catch-all.html"></wc-route>
- if a route part starts with ":", for example in "/:variable/page4", here, the link may contain any variable in its place (for example, "/alex/page4", "/jeremy/page4", "/clarkson/page4") , and the link will redirect to this location, also note, all variables are accessable via window.wcrouter.params in javascript
- if a route part starts with "path:", for example in "/abc/path:all" or "/path:all", any route at and after this path (for example, with "/abc/path:all", "/abc/def", "/abc/ghi" ...) will redirect to this page, again, all there variables/paths are visible in window.wcrouter.params
- evaluation of wc-routes happens in order of appearance
<r-a href="/page3">link to page 3 !</r-a>
- to reroute via javascript use, "wcrouter.route(url)"
these events are accessable via the window wcrouter variable
i.e. window.wcrouter.addEventListener(<event-name>, <callback>)
- when : called the first time a route is loaded
- usage : heavy pre content loading operations
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.currentRoute: the current route
- when : called every time a route change
- usage : heavy pre content loading operations
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.currentRoute: the current route
- when : called the first time a route is loaded, and its content is loaded
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.currentRoute: the current route
- when : called every time a route change occurs, and the routes content is loaded
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.currentRoute: the current route
these events occur in every <wc-route>
i.e. something like
document.querySelector("wc-route[path='/some/path']").addEventListener(event, callback)
- when : called the first time a route/base is loaded
- usage : heavy pre content loading operations
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.wcroute: this route
- event.detail.waitForContent: (function that returns a promise) wait for the content to load
- when : called the first time a route/base is loaded
- usage : dom operations
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.wcroute: this route
- when : called every time a route/base is rendered
- usage : heavy pre content loading operations
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.wcroute: this route
- event.detail.waitForContent: (function that returns a promise) wait for the content to load
- when : called every time a route/base is rendered
- usage : dom operations
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.wcroute: this route
- when : called every time a route/base is hidden
- usage : dom operations
- callback parameters:
- event.detail.wcroute: this route
- eager: get files in advance
- eager: (boolean attribute) get files in advance
- file: the file to load
- path: the path the wc-route represents
- parts of a route are seperated by slashes, eg: "/asbas/asvdsad/asds"
- if you start a route-part with a ":" for eg: "/asdcasdc/:param/def, its treated as a string (and is visible from the 'wcrouter' variable in the window, in 'wc-router.params', with the word after ':' as the variable)
- if you start a route-part with "path:", eg: "/asadc/path:sometgin", note this is only possible for route-parts in the end, all further part parts will be visible in 'wc-router.params["your-var"]'
- p-title: the to-set page title
- css-path: a css link tag will be created and it will ONLY be active when the wc-route is active, (i.e. when the url's route is the wc-route's route), else it'll be set to disabled, the link tag is also lazy loaded unless the eager tag is specified
- hashStrategy: [experimental, untested code] use hash routing instead of standard routing
deno run --allow-net --allow-read --unstable https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/vanillawc/wc-router@2/server.ts <main_file_name>
- install deno
- install node
- install testing dependencies,
- go into the test directory (via
cd test
) - npm i
- go back to the main directory
- go into the test directory (via
- install velociraptor
- run the test file with
vr test