RapidApp - Turnkey ajaxy webapps
See www.rapidapp.info and RapidApp::Manual for more information.
# Create new app named "MyApp" using all the helpers:
rapidapp.pl --helpers RapidDbic,Templates,TabGui,AuthCore,NavCore MyApp \
-- --dsn dbi:mysql:database=somedb,root,''
# Start the test server (default login admin/pass):
# OR, start up an instant database CRUD app/utility at http://localhost:3500/
rdbic.pl dbi:mysql:database=somedb,root,''
RapidApp is an extension to Catalyst - the Perl MVC framework. It provides a feature-rich extended development stack, as well as easy access to common out-of-the-box application paradigms, such as powerful CRUD-based front-ends for DBIx::Class models, user access and authorization, RESTful URL navigation schemes, pure Ajax interfaces with no browser page loads, templating engine with front-side CMS features, declarative configuration layers, and more...
RapidApp is useful not only for new application development, but also for adding admin interfaces and snap-in components to existing applications, as well as for rapid prototyping.
Although RapidApp is based on Catalyst, fully encapsulated Plack interfaces are also provided, such as Plack::App::RapidApp::rDbic and Rapi::Fs, which enables RapidApp to be integrated into any application/framework which utilizes PSGI/Plack.
RapidApp started as an internal project in 2009 and has been under continuous development ever since. It has been used very successfully for multiple medium to large-scale client applications (backends with hundreds of tables and tens of millions of rows) as well as many quick and easy apps and interfaces for smaller jobs.
We started open-sourcing RapidApp in 2013, and this work is ongoing...
RapidApp is built on top of a number of powerful open-source tools and technologies including:
Documentation is still a work-in-progress. Much of it has been done, but much of it still remains to be done: RapidApp::Manual.
Also, be sure to check out the RapidApp website for more information, including several comprehensive video demos and tutorials:
Join #rapidapp on irc.perl.org.
Henry Van Styn <vanstyn@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by IntelliTree Solutions llc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.