Adds the powerful logging of SwiftyBeaver to Vapor for server-side Swift 4 on Linux and Mac.
Add this project to the Package.swift
dependencies of your Vapor project:
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")
After you've added the SwiftyBeaver Provider package to your project, setting the provider up in code is easy.
You can configure your SwiftyBeaver instance in a pure swift way or using a JSON file like Vapor 2 do,
import SwiftBeaverProvider
public func configure(_ config: inout Config, _ env: inout Environment, _ services: inout Services ) throws {
// ...
// Setup your destinations
let console = ConsoleDestination()
console.minLevel = .info // update properties according to your needs
let fileDestination = FileDestination()
// Register the logger
services.register(SwiftyBeaverLogger(destinations: [console, fileDestination]), as: Logger.self)
// Optional
config.prefer(SwiftyBeaverLogger.self, for: Logger.self)
First, register the SwiftyBeaverProvider in your configure.swift
import SwiftBeaverProvider
public func configure(_ config: inout Config, _ env: inout Environment, _ services: inout Services ) throws {
// ...
// Register providers first
try services.register(SwiftyBeaverProvider())
// Optional
config.prefer(SwiftyBeaverLogger.self, for: Logger.self)
If you run your application now, you will likely see an error that the SwiftyBeaver configuration file is missing. Let's add that now
The configuration consist of an array of destinations located in Config/swiftybeaver.json
file. Here is an example of a simple SwiftyBeaver configuration file to configure console, file and swiftybeaver platform destinations with their required properties.
"type": "console",
"format": " $Dyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS$d $C$L$c: $M"
"type": "file"
"type": "platform",
"app": "YOUR_APP_ID",
"secret": "YOUR_SECRET_ID",
Aditional options:
async | console, file | Bool | |
format | console, file | String | A space must be placed before dollar sign |
levelString.debug | console, file | String | |
levelString.error | console, file | String | | | console, file | String | |
levelString.verbose | console, file | String | |
levelString.warning | console, file | String | |
path | file | String | path to the log file |
minLevel | console, file, platform | String | values: verbose, debug, info, warning, error |
threshold | platform | Int | min: 1, max: 1000 |
It's a good idea to store the SwiftyBeaver configuration file in the Config/secrets folder since it contains sensitive information.
To get more information about configuration options check the official SwiftyBeaver docs
router.get("hello") { req -> Future<String> in
// Get a logger instance
let logger: Logger = try req.make(SwiftyBeaverLogger.self)
// Or
let logger: Logger = try req.make(Logger.self) // needs config.prefer(SwiftyBeaverLogger.self, for: Logger.self) in configure.swift"Logger info")
return Future("Hello, world!")
Please also see the SwiftyBeaver destination docs and how to set a custom logging format.
Learn more about colored logging to Xcode 8 Console.
Learn more about logging to file which is great for fans or to store logs on disk.
Learn more about logging to the SwiftyBeaver Platform during release!
Get support via Github Issues, email and our public Slack channel.
This package is developed and maintained by Gustavo Perdomo with the collaboration of all vapor community.
SwiftyBeaverProvider is released under the MIT License.