This project is made for DevStorm hackathon. This is a decentralized web app which can be used to check whether a dcoument with any user is true or not. The documents are issued by an authorized organization itself and cannot be issued by someone else. This provides a sort of signature on the document itself to mark its trueness. Since the document is on the blockchain itself so it cannot be manipulated and no other authority can add a false document to the blockchain. The users cannot write to the blockchain at any cost.
The contracts are written in such a way that none other than the true authority itself can write a specific document to the blockchain.
Documents on the blockchain cannot be manipulated and hance the originality is reserved. This feature also guarantees security of user's personal documents.
Universal Verification System is provided in order to check whether an document is original or not.
Verification is done on the basis of existence of it on the blockchain and mapping of the document to user wallet.
All the loopholes and by-pass to Universal Verification System are taken care of.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd decentralized_verification
Download the dependencies
npm i
Go to the frontend directory
cd frontend
Download the dependencies
npm i
Run the project
npm run dev
To deploy this project on local blockchain
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js