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Analog Hardware Hands on Design Labs and Modelling using SPICE Tools (NI Multisim, LTSpice)


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Hands On Design, Modelling, Simulation(SPICE) and Prototyping of Discrete & Integrated Analog Circuits

This work involves hands-on design, modelling, simulation and analysis (SPICE - MultiSim) of Discrete & Integrated Analog Circuits. Kind of activities involved in this work include:

  • Understanding device structure and operating characteristics.
  • Learn Circuit design modelling and analysis theory.
  • Design and analyze circuits using pen-paper.
  • Model and analyze circuits using simulation software (SPICE).
  • Whenever possible, build circuits using real parts sourced from various vendors. Make measurement using real instruments and compare them with simulation results.

This is an ongoing work.

Following is the bill of materials(BOM) of the list of parts used in various labs

The part numbers in the above BOM List above corresponds to Mouser specific part numbers. You may order parts from your country specific vendors(see Octopart BOM Tool)


I do write lot of notes in notebook or on whiteboards. However, after a while I realized that sharing them becomes cumbersome and impractical. So I decided to digitize my notes (not all though). Instead of pen & paper, I now write all my notes using Microsoft OneNote and XP-Pen Deco 3 writing tablet. Below are links to my Microsoft OneNote Notebooks on Analog circuits:

Following are the Analog Circuit topics which are dealt in this work. As I make progress, I expand the list of topics accordingly.

  • Measurement and Analysis
    • Oscilloscope
      • Transient response
      • Frequency sweep
      • AM/FM Modulation
    • Spectrum Analyzer
      • Bode Plots (Magnitude and Phase Frequency response)
      • FFT
    • Network Analyzer
    • SPICE Analysis
      • DC Operating (bias) point analysis (steady state)
      • AC Analysis (Linearized Analysis) (Magnitude and Phase Frequency response or small signal response)
      • DC Analysis or DC Sweep Analysis
      • Parameter Sweep Analysis
      • Transient Analysis (dicretized time domain analysis)
      • Pole Zero Analysis
      • Fourier Analysis
      • Monte carlo analysis
      • DC and AC Sensitivity Analysis
      • Worst case analysis
      • Transfer function analysis
      • Noise Analysis
      • Distortion Analysis
      • Temperature Analysis
      • RF Analysis
      • User defined analysis
  • Passive Devices and Circuits
    • Linear Devices
      • Resistive: Resistance ('R')
      • Reactive(X): Inductance('L'), Capacitance('C')
      • Impedance ('Z')
      • Switches
      • Relays
      • Connectors
      • LEDS and Displays
      • Variable Devices: R, L, C, Transformers
      • Inductors and Transformers
    • Linear Circuit Analysis
      • Voltage, current and Instantaneous Power
      • Passive Sign Convention
      • Power absorption or dissipation vs Power generation
      • Linear static resistance and dynamic resistance
      • Conductance and power dissipation in linear resistor and fixed/variable resistance
      • Open circuit and short circuit
      • Ideal Switch
      • Independent and dependent power sources
      • Ideal and practical power sources
      • Reference voltage or ground
      • Concept of grounding power supply and load
        • Mains, Neutral and Earth ground
        • Floating (common) vs Earth Grounded returns
        • Analog and digital grounds
      • Circuit nodes and loops
      • Lumped parameter approach to circuit analysis
      • KCL and KVL
      • Equivalent circuits
        • Resistance in series and parallel
        • Dominating resistance in series and parallel
        • Source transformation
        • Combining sources (series, split or differential)
      • Voltage and Current division
      • Bleeder resistance in voltage dividers
      • Circuit reduction (ladder circuits)
      • Nodal voltage and Mesh current Analysis
      • Properties (homogeneity and superposition) of Linear circuits
      • Input and Output Impedance (Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits)
        • Proportionality property
        • Unit output method
        • Measuring open circuit voltage, short circuit current and thevenin (lookback) resistance with instruments
        • Application to non-linear loads
      • Voltage, current or power interpreted as Signals
      • Loading effect
        • Effect of output impedance of source circuit on voltage signal attenuation (drooping) when loaded
        • Effect of input impedance of measuring device on output voltage measurement
        • Ideal source and load impedance
        • Ideal and practical voltage and current measurement
        • Thumb rules to minimize signal attenuation due to loading when cascading circuits
      • Interface Circuit Design for given source/load constraints of voltage, current, impedance, power
        • Maximum Signal (power) Transfer
        • Impedance Matching
        • Pass through, Series, Parallel
        • L-pads, Bridge-T (Attenuation pad), O-pad
      • Signals
        • Basic time-varying signals
          • Step and Unit step signal
          • Representing finite duration signals in terms of unit step signal
          • Ramp and unit ramp signal
          • Impulse and Unit impulse signal
          • Pulse (rectangular) and Unit pulse signal
          • Gaussian (sinc) signal
          • Squared sinc pulse signal
          • Triangular and Unit triangular signal
          • Exponential signal
          • Sinusoidal signal
            • Amplitude, phase, frequency
            • Tone (fundamental), Harmonics and Multi-tone signals
            • Complex exponential
        • Signal operations
          • Scaling or Signal Gain
          • Addition, Multiplication
          • Shifting Left (advance or leading) and right (delay or lagging) in time domain
          • Time scaling
            • Compressing signal (scaling up frequency)
            • Expanding signal (scaling down frequency)
            • Time reversal
          • Sampling and sifting property of Impulse signal
          • Frequency shifting (modulation)
          • Time windowing
          • Differentiating (slope) and integrating (area) signals
          • Relation between unit impulse, unit step and ramp function
        • Signal characteristics
          • Periodic vs Aperiodic
          • Period of a multi-tone signal
          • Phase
          • Duty cycle of periodic signal
          • Causality of a signal
          • Amplitude vs magnitude
          • Peak value and peak to peak value
          • Real vs Complex signal
          • Dimension of support
          • Deterministic vs Random signals
          • Even vs Odd signals
          • Symmetry
            • Even and odd symmetry for real valued signals
            • Conjugate symmetry and asymmetry for complex signal
            • Decomposing real valued signal into even and odd parts
            • Decomposing complex valued signal into conjugate symmetric and asymmetric components
          • Energy and power of a signal
          • Time averaging operator
          • RMS value of a signal
          • Energy and power signals
      • Fourier Analysis and Synthesis of Signals
        • Preliminary Math
          • Limits
          • (dis)Continuity
          • Differentiation
          • Absolutely Integrable Functions
        • Signal Representation in Time and Frequency Domains
          • Time Domain representation
          • Frequency Domain representation
          • Time-frequency domain representation
          • Fourier Analysis, Coefficients, Fourier Spectrum and Transform for stationary signals
          • Fundamental wave and harmonics for sinusoids
          • Amplitude, Magnitude
          • Peak and Peak to Peak Amplitude & Magnitude
          • Phase shift for sinusoidal signal
          • Quadrature Sinusoids
          • Six categories of Time-domain signals
          • Fourier representation of Signals
            • Synthesis and Analysis of a Signal or function
              • Orthogonal basis functions and coefficients
              • Linear combination
              • Analogy from a 3D vector and power series representation
              • Complex exponential as basis function for fourier synthesis
              • Conditions required for existence of fourier synthesis and analysis of a signal
            • Fourier Analysis and Synthesis of aperiodic continuous time signals (defined on R)
              • Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier Transform
            • Fourier Analysis and Synthesis of periodic continuous time signals (defined on RT)
              • Fourier Transform and Fourier Series (Inverse Fourier Transform)
            • Fourier Analysis and Synthesis of aperiodic discrete time signals (defined on Z)
              • Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier Transform
            • Fourier Analysis and Synthesis of periodic discrete time signals (defined on ZN)
              • Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Fourier Series (Inverse Fourier Transform)
            • Relationship between aperiodicty/periodicity and continuity/discretization
            • How to choose between Summation & Integration when doing Fourier Analysis and Synthesis
            • Fourier Analysis and Synthesis of important signals
              • Box
              • Gaussian
              • Train of impulses
              • Periodic even and odd functions
              • Periodic Square wave (odd and even)
                • Gibbs Phenomenon
            • Power of a sinusoidal signal
            • Power spectrum for periodic signals from Fourier Series
            • To be continued...
      • Basic AC Concepts
        • Sinusoidal frequency, phase, amplitude
        • Fundamentals and harmonics
        • Instantaneous, RMS, Average values
        • Frequency dependent Impedance of energy storing passive linear devices (L, C)
        • Phasors
        • Capacitor
          • Static and dynamic description
          • Blocking or Coupling and Bypassing or Decoupling capacitor
          • Distortion effects of capacitor to non-sinusoidal time varying signals
          • Electrolytic capacitors
        • Gain/Attenuation, dB scale(octave/decade), Cascade gains
        • Magnitude and Phase Frequency response (Bode Plots)
        • Fourier Series(periodic), Fourier Transforms(aperiodic) and Laplace Transforms
        • Transfer function (s-domain/z-domain), Pole-Zero plots
        • Domain transformations (time-domain to s-domain to z-domain)
        • First and second order AC circuits R, L, C
          • Transient (natural and step) response
          • Steady state response
    • Non-linear devices
      • Diodes
        • Basic operating modes: forward biased, reverse biased and breakdown
        • Effect of temperature on knee voltae and reverse biased current
        • Forward biased operation model
          • Non-linear Exponential or Shockley model for small-signal didoes
            • Analytical solutions based upon Node voltage method
              • Iterative solution
              • With diode as a non-linear load, replacing linear source circuit with Thevenin equivalent
            • Graphical solution
              • Load-line method
          • Constant forward voltage drop model
          • Ideal diode model (voltage controlled ideal switch)
          • Piece-wise linear diode models
          • Linear Small signal model (a linear resistance) of a diode
        • Reverse biased operation models
        • Applications of diode
          • Clipper or Limiter
          • Thresholders
          • Half wave rectifier
          • Full wave bridge rectifier
          • Full wave bridge rectifier with smoothing capacitor
          • Photodiodes
          • Solar (PV) cells
          • Peak detector
          • Level restorers
          • Voltage doubler
          • Superdiode
      • Memristor
        • To be continued...
  • Modeling circuits as multi-port networks
    • 2-port networks
      • T and Pi-networks
      • Symmetrical and Reciprocal Networks
      • Network Analysis
        • Basics
          • Types of 2-port parameters
            • [z] or open circuit impedance paramater
            • [y] or short circuit admittance parameter
            • finding [z], [y] for networks with and without dependent sources
            • hybrid [h] and inverse hybrid [g] parameters
            • chain or transmission [T] or ABCD parameters
          • Interrelationshiop between different 2-port parameters
          • Interconnecting 2-port networks
            • Parallel interconnection of 2-port networks
            • Series connection of 2-port networks
            • Cascade connection of 2-port networks
            • Series-Parallel connection
        • Objectives of 2-port network analysis
        • Need for 2-port analysis
        • To be continued..
  • Linear Active Device based Circuits
    • Passive devices vs Active Devices
    • Active device and circuits
    • Linear dependent sources
      • Gain: current gain, trans-resistance, voltage gain, trans-conductance
      • linear dependent sources as used for modeling active devices
    • Basic amplification concepts
      • Voltage/Current/Power gain of Amplifier for DC/AC signals
      • 2-port models of Ideal Voltage(VCVS) and Current(CCCS) Amplifiers
    • Real OpAmp vs Ideal OpAmp(VCVS) model
      • Terminals: Power supply, Double ended differential inputs, Sngle ended output
      • Differential amplifier characteristsics (Open loop gain, I/O Impedance)
      • Voltage constraints on I/O terminals
      • Operation modes (linear, saturation)
      • Negative feedback (virtual short)
      • Closed loop gain parameters
      • Circuit analysis of OpAmp based Negative feedback circuits
      • Open loop vs Closed loop gain
      • Impedance and Loading effects on gain
      • Noise gain, Gain-Bandwidth Product, Phase Margin
    • OpAmp based Voltage Amplifier Active circuits in Negative feedback configuration
      • Gain inversion based on biased input terminal
      • Inverting Amplifier (virtual ground)
      • Non-inverting Amplifier
      • Voltage follower or Non-inverting Buffer (virtual ground)
      • Difference (subtracting) Amplifier
      • Inverting Summing (Adder) Amplifier
      • Non-inverting Summer (Averager) Amplifier
      • Differentiating Amplifier (Inverting type, stability)
      • Integrator Amplifier (Inverting type)
      • Negative resistor converter
      • Comparators
    • OpAmp Applications
      • see Active Filters (R, C, OpAmp based)
      • To be continued..
    • Negative feedback concepts
      • Open vs Closed loop gain
      • Gain desensitivity and Error
      • Linearizing effect
      • Effects on noise and distrubances
      • To be continued...
  • Analog Filters
    • Basic Filter Concepts
      • Types: Low Pass(Baseband), High Pass, Bandpass, Bandstop(Notch), All Pass
      • Magnitude/Phase Frequency response (Bode Plots)
      • Passband/Stopband/Transition-band Characteristics and Approximations
        • Cut-off(-3 dB), Stopband edge and Center Frequency
        • Closed loop Gain (DC, PassBand, Stopband)
        • Monotonocity (Ripple, Flatness)
        • Roll-off slope (attenuation rate in transition band)
        • Total Harmonic Distortion
        • Reasonance, Q-factor(Sharpness), Frequency selectivity, Tunability
        • Filter order and its effect on roll-off
        • Bandwidth
        • Transient response, Impulse/step response
        • Filter loading effects: Source side output and Load side input impedance
        • Phase and Group Delay
        • Causality and Stability analysis
        • Filter transformations
    • Filter circuits
      • Passive Filters (R, L and C based)
      • Active Filters (R, C, OpAmp based)
        • Basic first order Active filters (LP/HP)
        • Cascade design of higher order active filters using 1st order active filters
        • Butterworth (maximally flat)
        • Chebyshev type I (equiripple) and II (inverse)
        • Elliptical or Cauer
        • Bessel
        • Sallen Key filter (2nd order LP, HP, BP, Notch)
        • To be continued..
      • Switched Capacitor Filters
      • FIR and IIR Filters
    • Filter Applications
      • Anti-aliasing, Smoothing(reconstruction), Noise filtering
      • Radio(FM/AM), TV, Telephone(FDM), Communication, Audio(Equalization)
  • Analog Integrated Circuits
    • Active devices and circuits
      • Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJT)
        • Large signal and small signal models
        • As a Switch
        • As an Amplifier
      • Field Effect Transistors (FET)
        • JFET (Junction Field Effect Transistors)
        • CMOS FET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET)
          • Device structure and I/V Characteristics
          • Regions of Operations of PFET and NFET with first order effects
            • Cut-off
            • Edge of conductance (EOC)
            • Deep Triode
            • Linear Triode
            • Edge of Saturation (EOS)
            • Saturation
          • FET Transconductance
          • Second order effects
            • Body effect
            • Channel length Modulation
            • Velocity Saturation
            • Short Channel Effects
            • Sub-threshold conduction
          • Regions of Operation of PFET and NFET with second order effects
          • Series and Parallel Combinations of FETs
          • Voltage Transfer Characteristics of PFET/NFET As a Switch and Amplifer
          • Transitioning from CMOS FET to FinFET
          • Operating FET as a Switch
            • Noise Margins of Inverter
          • Operating FET as an Amplifier
            • Output distortion of FET amplifier
            • Load line analysis
            • Concept of small and large signals operation & models
            • MOS device layout and gate/junction capacitances
            • Large and small signal analysis of FETs in Saturation region
            • Single stage Amplifier
              • Voltage Amplifier Basics
              • Important characteristics of voltage amplifer
                • Input Resistance
                • Output Resistance
                • Voltage Gain - open circuit (unloaded) and loaded
                • Speed, Noise, power dissipation
                • Analysis of BJT and FET for voltage amplification
              • Design procedure of FET based amplifier
              • Basic FET based Amplifer topologies
                • Common Source (CS)
                • Common Drain (CD)
                • Common Gate (CG)
              • Common Source (CS) Amplifier
                • CS amplifer With Resistive Load
                  • Small and large signal analysis
                • Maximizing CS gain
                • FET based Current source
                • CS amplifer with Current source load
                • Diode mode of FET
                • CS with diode connected FET
                  • Small and Large Signal analysis
                • Basics of Current Mirror, Current Source and Current Sink
                • Biasing of FET based amplifiers
                  • Resistive biasing: Single and dual supply schemes
                • Concept of source degeneration
                • CS Amplifier with source degeneration
                  • Small and large signal analysis
                  • Better current source using source degeneration
              • Common gate (CG) Amplifier
                • Large and Small signal analysis
                • Biasing CG Amplifier
              • Common Gate (CG) or Source Follower Amplifier
            • Differential Amplifier
            • Current Mirrors and Biasing
              • Cascode current source
              • Cascode Amplifier
              • Cascode Amplifier with ideal current source load
              • Cascode Amplifier with generic load
              • Quantitative small signal analysis of Cascode
              • Cascode amplifier with PFET Input or degenerating device
              • Current Mirrors
                • Issue with FET based current sources
                • Current Mirrors basics
                • Diode connected FET as current mirror
                • Sizing FET to make current mirrors
                • Current Mirror using unit transistors
                • Cascode Current Mirrors
                • TBU
            • Noise
            • Non-linearity and Mismatch
            • Feedback
            • Operation Amplifiers
            • Stability and Frequency Compensation
            • Bandgap references
          • Switched Capacitor Circuits
          • Timing and Synchronization Circuits
            • Oscillators (VCO) and timers
          • Frequency Synthesis
            • Phase Locked Loops (PLL)
              • Frequency multiplication and synthesis
              • Clock generation and clock recovery
              • Tone decoding and demodulation
  • Mixed Signal Circuits
    • Digital to Analog Converters (DAC)
    • Analog to Digital Converters (ADC)
      • Parallel Flash
      • Successive Approximation (SAR)
      • Integrating
      • Delta-Sigma

Following references serve as rough guide for this work


Analog Hardware Hands on Design Labs and Modelling using SPICE Tools (NI Multisim, LTSpice)







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