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Analyzing CodingSpectator data

reprogrammer edited this page Nov 26, 2011 · 4 revisions

Analyzing CodingSpectator data

Generate the CSV report

Use the edu.illinois.codingspectator.logstocsv program to generate the CSV file.

Import the CSV into a database

Perform the following steps to import the CSV into the database:

  1. cd CodingSpectator/plug-ins/edu.illinois.codingspectator.csvtosql/ant.
  2. ant clean; ant
  3. cd bin
  4. CS_CSV="/path/to/logs.csv" java -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms40m -Xmx20G -jar csvtosql.jar

Running SQL scripts

Follow the steps below to interact with the database from commond line. I found the following instructions on the web.

  1. Get sqltool.jar and hsqldb.jar from CodingSpectator/plug-ins/org.hsqldb/ant/downloads/hsqldb-2.2.6/hsqldb/lib/.
  2. cd CodingSpectator/plug-ins/edu.illinois.codingspectator.csvtosql/ant/bin
  3. Get the Eclipse UDC data file from our private CodingSpectator SVN directory under Experiment/UDCData/commands.csv and copy it into this directory.
  4. java -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms40m -Xmx20G -jar sqltool.jar --rcFile ../../hsqldb/sqltool.rc db_file
  5. A prompt would appear after successfully connecting (this could take several minutes depending on the size of the database).
  6. Enter \i /path/to/CodingSpectator/scripts/sql-script.sql