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vbextreme edited this page Sep 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

Configure wiki

first of all enable vbar on your window manager, example on i3wm
edit ~/.config/i3/config

	status_command vbar

vbar need a configuration file for run
we have some config themes, you can view name with

$ ls themes

for install theme you can use script, for example i3 theme

$ ./theme.install i3

Structure of config

the base of config is in


you can cange this directory and run vbar with -c

	status_command vbar -c /your/vbar/config

each module have directory called with same name of module, example default dir for cpu module


you can change this directory in base config file

Config Syntax

setting variable:

property = value
property = value.value
property = "value"
property = 'value'

no multiline settings ar supported on quoted value.

# this is comment


text.long, text.short and event support interpretate command


interpreter start with dollar sign.
numeric value specific enviroment module



at sign specific the current icon value



interpreter can execute some action



set value for specific module


example hide cpu module on event

event = "${set(cpu,generic,hide,1)}"


Invert value, not all attribute support this action


example nvert hide cpu module on event

event = "${toggle(cpu,generic,hide)}"


the event attribute execute action or spawn command
execute urxvt when module event as triggered

event = "urxvt"

Base config

after lanch vbar search base config file, this file contains modules you want to load and the common configurations.
Before select module to load you can specific the common attribute for module, not all window manager support all value but not generate error.
Every attribute can be replaced on module/config file, each module export extra attribute.

# Module have two name, Instance isn't configurable, Name is configurable by user
# can load multiple module with differnt name
name = modulename

# time in ms to refresh module
# time -1 refresh only at boot
refresh = 1000

# enable blink urgent mode
blink = 1
# enable blink background color
blink = 2
# enable blink foreground color

# set blink color
blink.color = 0xFF0000

#text color
# -1 disable
color = 0xFF

# background color
# -1 disable
background = 0x0

# border color
# -1 disable
border = 0xFFFFFF

# minimal width
# -1 disable
min_width = 300

# align of text
align = center

# line separator
separator = 1

# distance for block
separator\_block\_width = 1

# enable markup
markup = 0

# hide module, hidden module is not refresh and not eventable
hide = 0

# text to be display
text.long = ""

# short text to be display
text.short = ''

# force to use text.short
text.short.enable = 0

# event for triggered module
event = ''

after setting common attribute can load module
if module not as in default directory change property before load

module.path = ~/.config/vbar/cpu/config

now you can load module

module.load = cpu

Module config

see wiki page module for configure module

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