This is a template project for Cle Apps with Html Components style as preferred Cle style and CSZ for css-in-js, usefull as clone-to-start project with pre-configured Parcell for development & production build.
Install the project:
npm install
Run the project in development on port 4200:
npm start
Build the project:
npm build
Test locally the production build on port 4200:
npm run test-build
To generate a remote html components:
generate a ".ui.html"
and generate a ".deps.js"
file with
import html from "bundle-text:./xxx.ui.html" // for inling and disable remote / lazy import
export const Component = defineHtmlComponent(html, { isRemote: false }) // setup script / def Deps Injection here
// import html from "./xxx.ui.html" for remote and "lazy" import
// export const Component = defineHtmlComponent(html, { isRemote: true })
Use the component by awaiting it and setup parametrs
import { Component } from "./xxx.deps.js"
... async ... () => {
await Component()
The .terserrc is required in production, shuld not be changed / removed to work properly. It prevent the "$" mangling during minifaction
Mix any style but remember that Imports should be made in .js file by .js file, because of Parcel static analysis. Untill a specific plugin will be created, Parcel is not aware of what .html file does and how handle imports.
Static file location and handling should be manually configured
Handle the pre-configured .proxyrc in case of /api reverse proxy