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Edit Mode Progress

Victor Chelaru edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 4 revisions

Edit mode is currently being incrementally built out. Over time, more features will be supported in edit mode. In the meantime, some features may not work, which will either cause the game to restart and a message is printed out in Glue, or in some cases an operation may put the game in an unexpected state, which may not restart the game, but the game may not be in sync with the Glue state.

Implemented Features

  • Viewing entities in isolation
  • Adding new objects (such as circle or sprite) to an existing entity or screen
  • Modifying variables on objects (such as changing a sprite's X value)
  • Deleting instances from a screen or entity
  • Adding a new file
  • Changing references to new/existing files
  • Painting tiles on TileShapeCollections from Tiled
  • Deleting tiles on TileShapeCollection from Tiled


  • Adding lists of objects
  • Modifying the type of physics in a collision relationship


  • Adding new variable
  • Adding new events
  • Adding collision relationships
  • Deleting entity
  • Switching an entity to top-down or platformer
  • Adding new level screens
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