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Typical AngularJS + RequireJS web app skeleton

I had used this approach in a list of projects, it is ready for a scaling

Of course in real projects there also should be existed StateNamesConstants, TemplateCache and some other stuff like scripts concatenation, uglification, tests

I'm not good in design so i didn't even tried to made one

You can find some other my test and education projects, my commits via my github page

frontend test

Once you have cloned this repo, then please follow the instructions below to continue with the test. If you have any problems or need any help, then please let us know.

This is the current datapine frontend test for those wishing to be part of the datapine team

What is required of me?

Once you clone this repo and successfully loaded the test you will find a static page describing what is required of you. Essentially it boils down to:

  • Creating a SPA application using something like backbone, backbone-layoutmanager, highcharts, requirejs, LESS/SASS
  • Create a menu that has a link to the home page and to a page describing your application and how to get it running
  • The home page should display a number of charts (4+ depending upon your chart size and layout)
  • You should be able to expand the charts to display a larger version (either lightbox-like thing or on a new page)
  • The data for the charts should be loaded from something like a JSON resource. Persistence isn't expected for the data.
  • You should be able to alter something simple about the charts, such as the chart type or the chart name

Your test will be judged on how the application looks and feels (bootstrap-looking applications are strongly discouraged), it meeting the above specification, the quality of code and how it has been executed. Anything additional you may like to add that shows off your strongest skills is always welcome, but not expected.

How do I get set up?

  • Install yeoman or simply just bower and grunt
  • Once they have been installed go to the directory and install the grunt-cli -> 'npm install -g grunt-cli' and then 'npm install'
  • Next run 'bower install' to install all the dependencies required
  • Once everything has been installed simply run 'grunt server' and begin your test
  • There is a testing section in the repo, but we do not expect you to write any tesbowerts for this particular test

Who do I talk to?

Once finished ideally you would push to your own repo, send us the link with any comments you would like to make and then wait a few days for our response (depends heavily upon how busy we currently are :))








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