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Bytebase is a Database CI/CD solution for the Developers and DBAs. It's the only database CI/CD project included in the CNCF Landscape. The Bytebase family consists of these tools:
- Bytebase Console: A web-based GUI for developers and DBAs to manage the database development lifecycle.
- Bytebase CLI (bb): The CLI to help developers integrate MySQL and PostgreSQL schema change into the existing CI/CD workflow.
- Bytebase GitHub App and SQL Review GitHub Action: The GitHub App and GitHub Action to detect SQL anti-patterns and enforce a consistent SQL style guide during Pull Request.
✅ MySQL ✅ PostgreSQL ✅ TiDB ✅ ClickHouse ✅ Snowflake
GitOps workflow, database-as-Code, login with VCS account, project membership sync.
✅ GitLab CE/EE ✅
- Web-based database change and management workspace for teams
- SQL Review
- UI based change workflow
- Version control based change workflow (Database-as-Code)
- SQL Review Rules
- Built-in SQL Editor
- Detailed migration history
- Multi-tenancy (rollout change to homogeneous databases belonged to different tenants)
- Online schema change based on gh-ost
- Backup and restore
- Point-in-time recovery (PITR)
- Anomaly center
- Environment policy
- Approval policy
- Backup schedule enforcement
- Schema drift detection
- Backward compatibility schema change check
- Role-based access control (RBAC)
- Webhook integration for Slack, Discord, MS Teams, DingTalk(钉钉), Feishu(飞书), WeCom(企业微信)
In particular, get familiar with various product concept such as data model, roles and permissions and etc.
How to run all or a subset of tests
Checkout issues tagged with good first issue.
We are maintaining an online database glossary list, you can add/improve content there.
Before creating a Pull Request, please follow the Development Guide for branch and commit message conventions.
Note: We are quite disciplined on tech stack. If you consider bringing a new programming language, framework and any non-trivial external dependency, please open a discussion first.
Bytebase is built with a curated tech stack. It is optimized for developer experience and is very easy to start working on the code:
- It has no external dependency.
- It requires zero config.
- 1 command to start backend and 1 command to start frontend, both with live reload support.
Tech Stack
Data Model
- Go (1.19 or later)
- pnpm
- Air (our forked repo @87187cc with the proper signal handling). This is for backend live reload.
go install
Pull source.
git clone
Start backend using air (with live reload).
air -c scripts/.air.toml
Change the open file limit if you encounter "error: too many open files".
ulimit -n 10240
If you need additional runtime parameters such as --backup-bucket, please add them like this:
air -c scripts/.air.toml -- --backup-region us-east-1 --backup-bucket s3:\\/\\/example-bucket --backup-credential ~/.aws/credentials
Start frontend (with live reload).
cd frontend && pnpm i && pnpm dev
Bytebase should now be running at http://localhost:3000 and change either frontend or backend code would trigger live reload.
(Optional) Install pre-commit.
cd bytebase pre-commit install pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
Check out our jobs page for openings.