This is the accompanying code to my thesis for the degree of MSc Data Science at the University of Southampton (2020), titled Generalization and Transfer Performance of Neural Question Generation Models.
The final thesis report will be made available as soon as it has been marked and assessed.
Asking questions is important for testing both machine and human reading comprehension. The ability to automatically generated high-quality questions based on textual stimulus and context can have great value for many applications, including pedagogically-motivated learning and assessment. Modern deep-learning techniques for natural language processing and generation, such as the Transformer, are demonstrating increasing capabilities of generated comprehensive and relevant questions.
This thesis includes a study of how different Transformer based models generalize across multiple domains of data when observing a single domain during fine-tuning. We train three different pre-trained architectures on four different data domains and evaluate their zero-shot performance on out-of-domain test sets. We provide empirical data that illustrates how fine-tuning on the correct data domain is essential for generating comprehensive questions in a domain-specific setting.
Further, we investigate how the generalization performance scales with the amount of fine-tuning data and report findings that indicate an early diminishing returns on performance. As well as further evidence that the choice of domain for fine-tuning is more impactful than the amount of data available.
Lastly, we fine-tune T5-Large on the SQuAD training set and provide a 7.3% improvement in METEOR performance over the current state-of-the-art on the SQuAD question generation benchmark. We also provide a novel reporting of embedding-based evaluation metrics on this task.
This repository includes all the necessary code to download, preprocess and
store the datasets used (SQuAD1.1, NewsQA, MCTest, CosmosQA): ./datasets/
, using HuggingFace nlp
framework. A training procedure using the
HuggingFace Transformer
. Lastly, a script for performing inference on the test
The implementation is made to be general and easy to use for the thesis project. There are some clearly hard-coded logic, but the implementation as a whole can be converted to a general framework with little effort.
Download NewsQA and MCTest through a custom script scripts/
These needs to be downloaded seperatly due to licensing terms and necessary preprocessing.
Preprocess a dataset, using a specific tokenizer:
mkdir -p data/
python --tokenizer_name facebook/bart-base --dataset mc_test
python --tokenizer_name facebook/bart-base --dataset squad
Train your model on the dataset:
mkdir -p models/
python --model_name facebook/bart-base --dataset mc_test --output_dir models/mc_test_bart_100 --data_size 100
Finally, perform inference on your trained model, using multiple test sets:
mkdir -p eval/
python --model_name facebook/bart-base --model_path models/mc_test_bart_100 --test_sets mc_test squad
The ./scripts/
contains some basic examples to get started. Further, use the
parameter to get an overview of the available parameters for each
Note: The evaluation script requires the following model path format:
See requirements.txt
. Additionally, we use the
HuggingFace Transformer
framework and HuggingFace nlp (now
called datasets) framework. These are evolving rapidly, and the pre-release
versions of huggingface/nlp were used. To ensure compatibility, the followin
specific commits should be used:
Transformers: 05810cd
NLP: 9f62388