I am a Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Science student from Johns Hopkins University guaduating 2018 summer, and I am actively seeking any job or interview opportunities.
This is my resume. It's brief and covers basically everything including my school performance (GPA 3.75 in JHU so far) and a list of courses I have taken. It includes my Github and Linkedin address.
It's worth mentioning that aside from pragmatic interview preparation, I have also taken additional time to re-whet my database, computer networking and operating system basic knowledge.
If you have an interview opportunity but requires a Cover Letter, feel free to contact me in any form listed here and I will respond promptly.
I have been actively practicing on Leetcode and have been participating in LeetCode weekly contests. My highest global rank in history is 1703 / 43575:
I have finished so far 432 / 738 (ever increasing) algorithmic problems so far (this number is more updated than that shown in the picture above).
I have to stress that I not only put significant effort into practicing my own skills on algorithmic design and analysis, but also value communicating my ideas with other competitive coders. Currently I have earned ★205 reputation (ever growing) in the LeetCode discuss community, as shown in this post.
I did not major in Computer Science in my undergraduate program, but I make up for my lack of experience with diligence during my Master's program in CS. Up till this moment, I have spent more than 800 hours on LeetCode, with throughly taken notes kept in this Gitbook.
These are books I have read in the two years of my Master's program:
- Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach (6th Edition)
- Constraint Logic Programming Using Eclipse
- Database System Concepts(6th.Edition)
- Design Patterns Explained Simply
- Designing Data Intensive Applications
- Effective Java 3rd Edition (to read soon)
- HTTP The Definitive Guide (to read soon)
- Head First Design Patterns
- Head First Java 2nd Edition
- Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- Introduction to Algorithms (Third Edition)
- Java Performance (reading)
- Linux System Programming
- Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces v091
- Principle Of Programming Language
- Real World OCaml
- Refactoring-Improving the Design of Existing Code
- Sedgewick-Algorithms (4th Edition)
- The C Programming Language 2nd
Currently I am
- recapping fundamental knowledges on:
- computer networking
- database
- operating system and Linux system programming
- Design patterns
- Java in depth
- learning system design.
- taking Udemy courses on Spring/Hibernate/Maven/Hibernate/Flask/React/Node.js/iOS11
- taking a JHU offered course on Machine Learning