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Knead your sequencing reads before baking: clips, demultiplexes, filters and trims reads


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Knead your sequencing reads before baking

ReadKnead clips, trims, demultiplexes, filters (e.g. by length), selects (e.g. randomly) and renames reads from FASTQ files.

  • Choice of algorithm for trimming: fast and accurate bit-masked k-difference matching, Needleman–Wunsch, search or match.
  • Demultiplexing using internal barcodes (user-defined positions in the reads)

For testing read preparation pipelines and quality control, ReadKnead:

  • Plots read-length barplot
  • Plots quality scores boxplot
  • Provide detailed stats for each operation (clip, trim etc)


  • Integrated pipeline for read preparation When individual tools are used for read preparation, demultiplexing can't depend on successful trimming for example. With ReadKnead, users define read preparation pipeline with multiple dependent steps.
  • Speed ReadKnead is written in Go and parallelized.


See refs page for tarball and executable.

Running tests

go test -v ./cmd/readknead/...


Input files for following examples can be found in the cmd/readknead/testdata directory. Please note that FASTQ files found in that directory are uncompressed, while following examples demonstrate how to use compressed FASTQ files using multiple compressor (Gzip, Zstandard and LZ4). We suggest to run the tests (see above) to see the output of these examples.

Highly recommended to use the -verbose_level 20 argument to test pipelines.

Single-end clipping and trimming

First, define a pipeline in clip_trim.json file for single-end reads that will:

  1. Clip 10 nucleotides from the 5' end of reads
  2. Trim the 3' end of reads using the bit-masked k-difference matching keeping all reads including untrimmed reads (no_trim).
  3. Remove reads shorter than 20 nucleotides
[{"name": "clip",
  "end": 5,
  "length": 10},
 {"name": "trim",
  "end": 3,
  "algo": "bktrim",
  "epsilon": 0.15,
  "epsilon_indel": 0.1,
  "keep": ["no_trim",
 {"name": "length",
  "min_length": 20}]

Then run the pipeline defined above in the JSON file on input file sample1_R1.fastq.gz:

readknead -fq_fnames_r1 "sample1_R1.fastq.gz" \
          -fq_command_in "zcat" \
          -fq_path_out "output" \
          -fq_fname_out_r1 "sample1_R1.fastq.lz4" \
          -fq_command_out "lz4,-" \
          -ops_r1_path "clip_trim.json" \
          -report_path "output/preparing_report.json"

Paired-end clipping, trimming, filtering and renaming

First, define a pipeline in paired_end_trim.json file for paired-end reads that will:

  1. Rename reads to shorten their names using the pattern sample2.## where ## will be replaced by the read number. In case read names contain a barcode (prefixed with #), it will be kept in the renamed reads.
  2. Trim the reads on both ends using the bit-masked k-difference matching keeping all reads including untrimmed reads (no_trim).
  3. Remove reads shorter than 20 nucleotides
[{"name": "rename",
  "base36": true,
  "keep_barcode": true,
  "new_name": "sample2."},
 {"name": "trim",
  "algo": "bktrim_paired",
  "epsilon": 0.15,
  "epsilon_indel": 0.1,
  "keep": ["no_trim",
 {"name": "length",
  "min_length": 20}]

To generate quality-control stats, quality score encoding (Illumina 1.8+ Phred+33) argument is added. Four workers are used. Run the pipeline defined above in the JSON file on input files sample2_R1.fastq.gz and sample2_R2.fastq.gz:

readknead -fq_fnames_r1 "sample2_R1.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_fnames_r2 "sample2_R2.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_command_in "zstdcat" \
          -fq_path_out "output" \
          -fq_fname_out_r1 "sample2_R1.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_fname_out_r2 "sample2_R2.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_command_out "zstd,-,-fo" \
          -ops_r1_path "paired_end_trim.json" \
          -report_path "output/preparing_report.json" \
          -label "WT replicate 2" \
          -ascii_min "33" \
          -stats_in_path "output/stats_in" \
          -stats_out_path "output/stats_out" \
          -num_worker 4

The input FASTQ files are compressed using Zstandard.


First, define a pipeline in demultiplex.json file for paired-end reads that will:

  1. Trim/Filter the reads on 5' end with a match algorithm with one of the sequences listed in sequences. Only perfect match and >70% match reads are kept. Trimmed sequences are not added to the read names ("add_trimmed": false) and matched sequences are not actually trimmed from the reads ("apply_trim_seq": false): this step is only a filter.
  2. Clip 10 nucleotides from the 5' end of reads and add the clipped sequence to the read names
  3. Reads are separated (i.e. demultiplexed) matching one of the barcodes listed in barcodes (at position 10 from the 5' end with maximum of 1 mismatch). One FASTQ file will be created per barcode (replacing the sequence of the barcode in the output FASTQ file in [DPX] in the -fq_fname_out_r1 and -fq_fname_out_r2 arguments).
  4. Clip 19 nucleotides from the 5' end of reads and don't add the clipped sequence to the read names
  5. Remove reads shorter than 20 nucleotides
[{"name": "trim",
  "end": 5,
  "algo": "match",
  "position": 6,
  "min_score": 0.7,
  "add_trimmed": false,
  "keep": ["trim_exact",
  "sequences": ["CATTGCTTATGG",
  "apply_trim_seq": false},
 {"name": "clip",
  "end": 5,
  "length": 10,
  "add_clipped": true},
 {"name": "demultiplex",
  "end": 5,
  "max_mismatch": 1,
  "barcodes": ["GAGTA",
 {"name": "clip",
  "end": 5,
  "length": 19,
  "add_clipped": false},
 {"name": "length",
  "min_length": 20}]

Then run the pipeline defined above in the JSON file on input files sample2_R1.fastq.zst and sample2_R2.fastq.zst:

readknead -fq_fnames_r1 "sample2_R1.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_fnames_r2 "sample2_R2.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_command_in "zstdcat" \
          -fq_path_out "output" \
          -fq_fname_out_r1 "sample2_[DPX]_R1.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_fname_out_r2 "sample2_[DPX]_R2.fastq.zst" \
          -fq_command_out "zstdcat" \
          -ops_r1_path "demultiplex.json" \
          -report_path "output/preparing_report.json" \
          -label "WT replicate 2" \
          -ascii_min "33" \
          -stats_in_path "output/stats_in" \
          -stats_out_path "output/stats_out" \
          -num_worker 4

Command-line arguments

  • Input
    • -fq_fnames_r1 Path to read 1 FASTQ files (comma separated)
    • -fq_fnames_r2 Path to read 2 FASTQ files (comma separated)
    • -fq_command_in Command line to execute for opening each input file (comma separated)
    • -buf_size Buffer IO size (default 41943040)
  • Output
    • -fq_path_out Path to output FASTQ files
    • -fq_fname_out_r1 Output read 1 FASTQ file
    • -fq_fname_out_r2 Output read 2 FASTQ file
    • -fq_command_out Command line to execute for opening each output file (comma separated)
  • Pipeline
    • -ops_r1 Operation(s) for read1
    • -ops_r1_path Path to operation(s) for read1
    • -ops_r2 Operation(s) for read2
    • -ops_r2_path Path to operation(s) for read2
  • Pipeline report
    • -report_path Write report to path (stdout with -)
  • Plotting
    • Activate plotting for input and/or output:
      • -stats_in_path Path to statistics of input FASTQ files
      • -stats_out_path Path to statistics of output FASTQ files
    • Configure plotting and read characteristics:
      • -label Label
      • -ascii_min ASCII coding of the minimum quality score (Ex: 33 for Phred+33) (default: 33)
      • -max_quality Highest nucleotide quality (default: 43)
      • -max_read_length Maximum read length. No precision required (default: 1000)
  • Other options
    • -num_worker Number of worker(s) (default 1)
    • -verbose Verbose
    • -verbose_level Verbose level. This option is useful for testing pipelines.
    • -version Print version and quit


Operation Parameter Type Default
clip length integer Number of nucleotide to clip
end integer End of read to clip: 5 or 3
add_clipped boolean false Copy clipped nucleotide to read name (#-prefixed)
add_separator boolean true Add prefix (#) before clipped sequence in read name
demultiplex barcodes []strings List of barcode sequences
end integer End of read to clip: 5 or 3
barcode_idx integer Index (first: 0) of #-prefixed sequence (barcode or UMI) in read name
max_mismatch integer 0 Maximum number of mismatch between read and barcode
length_ligand integer 0 Clip if barcode found
length min_length integer -1 Minimum read length
max_length integer -1 Maximum read length
random probability float 1. Probability to keep read (between 0 and 1)
rename new_name string New read name
base36 boolean false Convert read number to shorter base36
keep_barcode boolean false Keep #-prefixed sequences
merge_barcode boolean false Merge #-prefixed sequences to one
all_reads boolean true Rename all reads
trim sequence string Sequence to trim (for pair-end reads: downstream sequence)
sequences []strings Use for multiple-sequence trimming
sequence_paired string Upstream sequence to trim for paired-end reads
sequences_paired []strings Use for multiple-sequence paired-end reads trimming
add_trimmed boolean false Copy trimmed nucleotide to read name (#-prefixed)
add_trimmed_ref boolean false Copy reference trimming sequence to read name (#-prefixed)
add_separator boolean true Add prefix (#) before trimmed sequence in read name
algo string bktrim or bktrim_paired Algorithms: align, bktrim, bktrim_paired, search or match
end integer End of read to trim : 5 or 3 (only for align, bktrim and search algo)
min_sequence integer 0 Length of perfect match (starting at trimming position) in trimming alignment
min_score float 0.8 Minimum alignment score (only for align, search and match algo)
position integer 0 Position in reads to match trimming sequence (only for match algo)
epsilon float 0.1 Maximum mismatch ratio (only for bktrim and bktrim_paired algo)
epsilon_indel float 0.03 Maximum indel ratio (only for bktrim and bktrim_paired algo)
min_overlap integer 3 Minimum overlap length (only for bktrim and bktrim_paired algo)


ReadKnead is distributed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (see /LICENSE).

Copyright © 2017-2023 Charles E. Vejnar


Knead your sequencing reads before baking: clips, demultiplexes, filters and trims reads







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