This a Flask Web App made it based on NREL - PV Watts and its API.
The web app consist in a form with the necessary parameters for the API, a button for get the latitude and longitude and a submit button. When you submit the form it use POST method to send the captured parameters to a another route in the app and sends a GET request to the API. Then the app capture the API information, clean and prepare it for show a table with the data.
The data are the kWh that a Photovoltaic System will generate based on the NREL information and the captured parameters.
- Responsive Design
- Using GET and POST methods for the API and the data
- Cleaning and preparing the recieved data from the API
- User can download table as XLSX
- JS
Live version:
- Download this project as a zip and extract it
- Get an API key
- From your terminal install virtualenv library with the command
pip install virtualenv
- With the terminal go inside to the carpet you extract from the zip file, make a virtual environment with the command
virtualenv nameOfYouEnv
- Activate your virtual environment
source nameOfYourEnv/bin/activate
- Then install the requirements. In the terminal use
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Creaet a file ".env" in the app folder and edit it with
API_KEY = "YourAPIKey"
- Then use the command
flask run
- In the terminal will show app an addres like **, open it and the app will show up.