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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

  • First, you'll need a Stripe test account created with a developers' Publishable key and a Secret key. With these keys, create a .env.local file in the root of this repo. The .env.local content should look like the following:

  • Second, edit the line 1 of the file utils/products-to-stripe.js, adding the STRIPE_SECRET_KEY as the second argument, like the following:

    const stripe = require("stripe")("YOUR_SECRET_KEY");

    ⚠️ Remove the key prior to uploading this file to git

    PS: this could be improved like passing the key as a parameter to the script.

  • Third, open your terminal and with Node installed, run the following command:

    node utils/products-to-stripe.js

    This command will populate your recently created Stripe account with the products listed in the utils/products-source.json file.

  • Run the development server:

    yarn dev
  • Finally, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Running tests

Unit tests with coverage report:

yarn test

Unit tests with watch mode:

yarn test:watch

End to end tests with headless mode (doesn't need to run the development server since the script runs with the lib start-server-and-test responsible for that):

yarn cypress:run

End to end tests opening Cypress browser (doesn't need to run the development server since the script runs with the lib start-server-and-test responsible for that - although it's necessary to manually start the tests in Cypress UI):

yarn cypress:open