Since the client apparently seems to be a total and complete failure (and I admit my strength surely is far away from UI design/usability), I'm considering to give up at least the client and offer to hand over the code to somebody who wants to create a usable client for the NetMauMau server.
It was originally developed as proof of concept, but since nobody was willing to write a client for the NetMauMau server, I tried to at least release this crap. Sorry 😢
A Qt client for the NetMauMau server.
It requires Qt in at least version 4.4 or Qt5.
- QGitHubReleaseAPI for parsing the retrieving release information from the GitHub API
- libnotify-qt for desktop-notifications on new releases (optionally)
- eSpeak for the speech support (optionally)
It depends on the NetMauMau sources, which can be found at
- to build and install with previously installed NetMauMau, invoke
qmake CONFIG+=release && make && sudo make install
- to build and install with previously installed NetMauMau and eSpeak, invoke
qmake CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=espeak && make && sudo make install
NetMauMau is available on Gentoo via the overlay games-overlay which can be added by layman
The GitHub repository of games-overlay is here:
Adding the overlay
With paludis: see Paludis repository configuration
With layman:
layman -f -o -a games-overlay
or layman -a games-overlay
Install NetMauMau with emerge games-board/netmaumau
Binary packages are available for Precise, Trusty, Utopic and Vivid in my Launchpad PPA at
Add the repository to your system:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:velnias/velnias offers binaries too.
insert following line into
respectively)deb /
(optionally) add the GPG-key
wget -O- | apt-key add -
apt-get update
The package is available in the AUR at
- run
yaourt -S nmm-qt-client