Cache the counts of an associated collection.
The current implementation is developed specifically for Verso. Please feel free to make a fork and tweak the package to fit the requirements of your app.
All definitions should be made server side only.
// Sets up a 'booksCount' field on each author
Authors.maintainCountOf(Books, 'authorId');
// TODO: more examples
collection1.maintainCountOf(collection2, lookup, [name])
- collection1
The collection to store the counter on
- Arguments
collection2 — Meteor Collection
The collection to maintain a count of
lookup — String or Function
The field name on collection2 to perform the match against collection1 _id
or a callback function returning a value to match against collection1 _id
name — String
Optional. Specify a custom counter field name
MIT. (c) Percolate Studio
counter-cache was developed as part of the Verso project.