Change only your Meteor Simple Schema: GraphQL schema & resolvers are updated automatically.
Define your Simple Schemas for your collection and let schema-graphql-bridge
do the tedious work of defining the schema's basic fields and resolvers, for you.
meteor add kuip:schema-graphql-bridge
demo: (be carefull, the API has changed!)
take a look at:
let schema = SchemaBridge.schema(SimpleSchema, name, [options]);
let resolvers = SchemaBridge.resolvers(SimpleSchema, name, [options]);
, defaulttrue
- if set to
will return a String with the GraphQL definitions for the SimpleSchema - set to
if you want to further edit the GraphQL schema (see examples) - if set to
will return{ objects, fields }
= GraphQL type definitions for the SimpleSchema objectsfields
= definitions for the first level SimpleSchema fields
- if set to
- Write schema definitions/resolvers only for these fields(*)
- Write schema definitions/resolvers for all fields except these(*)
- Custom values for the schema fields
custom: {
user: 'User',
(*) fields = SimpleSchema._firstLevelSchemaKeyss
const subList = new SimpleSchema({
field3: {
type: Object
'field3.attr': {
type: Object,
'field3.attr.something': {
type: String
Lists.schema = new SimpleSchema({
_id: {
type: String
title: {
type: String
description: {
type: String
sublist: {
type: subList,
optional: true
// .../lists-schema.js
import SchemaBridge from 'meteor/kuip:schema-graphql-bridge';
import Lists from './lists';
// Entire schema for the List entity:
const listSchema = SchemaBridge.schema(Lists.schema, 'List');
export default listSchema;
// If you want to modify it afterwards:
let listDefs = SchemaBridge.schema(Lists.schema, 'List', {wrap: false});
const listSchema = `
type List {
tasks: [Task]
export default taskSchema;
import SchemaBridge from 'meteor/kuip:schema-graphql-bridge';
import Lists from './lists';
import Tasks from '../tasks/tasks';
let listResolvers = SchemaBridge.resolvers(Lists.schema, 'List');
listResolvers.List.tasks = (root, args, context) => {
return Tasks.find({list: root._id}).fetch();
export default listResolvers;
type ListSublistField3Attr {
something: ListSublistField3AttrSomething
type ListSublistField3 {
attr: ListSublistField3Attr
type ListSublist {
field3: ListSublistField3
type List {
_id: String
title: String
description: String
sublist: ListSublist
const resolvers = {
List: {
title: ({ title }) => title,
description: ({ description }) => description,
sublist: ({ sublist }) => sublist,
ListSublist: {
field3: ({ field3 }) => field3
ListSublistField3: {}
Should work with all types.
is transformed intoString
s are transformed into GraphQL object types, with a camel cased name, based on it's SimpleSchema path.