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If you kno' me, you had a chance to say halo ;)

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If you kno' me, you had a chance to say halo ;)

  • No Wi-Fi required
  • Full control via GCode commands
  • Customizable views
  • Custom images support


Printed parts

SPI Version

Software setup

This repository contains all bits and pieces required to bring IMONK to life, to make things easier clone it to your host machine.

cd ~
git clone

IMONK Display firmware

For the first time only it is required to flash the firmware manually.

From binary build

  • Download firmware.uf2 from latest release
  • Connect display via usb-c while holding BOOT button
  • Upload the firmware to the device

Manual build

  • Install PlatformIO
  • Connect display via usb-c while holding BOOT button
  • Enter the cloned copy of repository
  • Build & flash screen module firmware
    cd ~/imonk
    pio run -e release -t upload


  • Minimal wiring with RPi Pico's main SPI



For proper operation IMONK needs Klipper and Monraker extensions

cd ~/imonk
ln -s ./klipper/imonk ~/klipper/klippy/extras/
ln -s ./moonraker/imonk ~/moonraker/moonraker/components/

Moonraker configuration


Klipper configuration

Main configuration block tells Klipper how to connect to the display, will vary depending on your board.

  • SB2240/2209 board
cs_pin: PA10
spi_software_sclk_pin: PB10
spi_software_mosi_pin: PB11
spi_software_miso_pin: PB2
  • RPi Pico main SPI
cs_pin: gpio1
spi_bus: spi0a

Image configuration

Currently only PNG images are supported

[imonk image smily-face]
path: ~/imonk/doc/smily-face.png

Can appear multiple times, each section defines one image that can be identified by name provided in section brackets. Images are synchronized to device on Klipper start (or with g-code commands) to save on communication during print and operation.

View configuration

[imonk view test-gauge]
background: 333333  # View background color
widgets: [  # List of widgets to render on the view
        "type": "gauge",
        "x": 120,  # X Coordinate of the widget
        "y": 120,  # Y Coordinate of the widget
        "id": "progress",  # Handle to set gauge value
        "r-end": 80,  # End radius of the gauge
        "r-start": 60,  # Start radius of the gauge
        "color": "FF0000",  # Gauge fill color
        "background": "000000",  # (optional) Gauge background color (default: "000000") 
        "value": 0,  # (optional) Gauge value, i.e. how much of the gauge should be filled (default: 0) 
        "rotation": 90.0,  # (optional) Gauge widget rotation (in degrees) (default: 90.0) 
        "arc": 260.0  # (optional) How much of the circle should be used as gauge (in degrees) (default: 260.0) 
[imonk view test-text]
background: 333333
widgets: [
        "type": "string",
        "x": 120,  # X Coordinate of the widget
        "y": 120,  # Y Coordinate of the widget
        "id": "text1",  # Handle to set widgets text
        "color": "FFFFFF",  # Text color
        "value": "Testy text",  # (optional) Text to display on screen (default: "") 
        "font": "roboto24",  # (optional) Font to use to render the text (default: "font0") 
        "align": "left"  # (optional) Text alignment in relation to provided coordinates (default: "center") 
[imonk view test-images]
background: 333333
widgets: [
        "type": "image",
        "x": 70,  # X Coordinate of the widget
        "y": 60,  # Y Coordinate of the widget
        "name": "smily-face"  # Name of the image to display - same as in [imonk image ...] section
         "type": "string",
         "x": 120,
         "y": 120,
         "id": "text",
         "color": "FF0000",
         "value": "Klipper Test Text"
        "type": "image",
        "x": 70,
        "y": 140,
        "name": "smily-face"

Can appear multiple times, each section defines one view that can be identified by name provided in section brackets. Views are synchronized to device on Klipper start (or with g-code commands) to save on communication during print and operation.

Klipper commands

  • Firmware
    • IMONK_FIRMWARE_VERSION - Prints current IMONK firmware version
    • IMONK_FIRMWARE_UPDATE - Update firmware from file, takes PATH argument - path to .bin firmware file
  • Views
    • IMONK_STAGE_VIEW - Stages View with provided NAME for variables input, to display staged view use IMONK_COMMIT_VIEW
    • IMONK_STAGE_VIEW_IF_NEEDED - Stages View with provided NAME for variables input, only if not already staged or current
    • IMONK_SET_VALUE - Set view widget value, requires SID of current or staged view, SLOT widget identifier input and VALUE to set. When called with current view SID, changes are applied immediately
    • IMONK_COMMIT_VIEW - Commits (displays) prepared IMONK View
    • IMONK_ABORT_VIEW - Discards staged view and entered values
    • IMONK_SET_VIEW - Stages View with provided NAME (if not staged or current) with provided SLOT_<id>=<value> values (previous or defaults used when omitted) and (if not current) commits the view automatically
  • Misc
    • IMONK_REBOOT - Reboots the display
    • IMONK_RELOAD_CONFIG - Reloads IMONK configuration from files
    • IMONK_LOAD_DEVICE_STATE - Reloads IMONK device state
    • IMONK_SYNCHRONIZE - Synchronizes IMONK device state with configuration

Klipper GCode macro helpers

Due to macro execution flow, using IMONK_STAGE_VIEW, IMONK_STAGE_VIEW_IF_NEEDED, IMONK_SET_VIEW and checking IMONK extension state may be inconvenient, the extension provides macro helpers for stage/set commands that output stage_id for convenience.

  • Example stage call

    {% set stage_id = printer.imonk.stage('test-images') %}
  • stage_if_needed additionally returns information whether the view is staged or current

    {% set stage_id, is_current = printer.imonk.stage_if_needed('test-images') %}
  • The set_view takes dictionary of values to set as second parameter

    {% set stage_id = printer.imonk.set_view('test-images', {'text': 'Value to display'}) %}

Moonraker API endpoints

  • Check version [GET] /machine/imonk/version


      "result": {
        "version": {
          "major": 0,
          "minor": 0,
          "micro": 1
  • Update firmware [POST] /machine/imonk/firmware, firmware provided as file param via multipart/form-data


      "info": "Firmware update continues on the device"

Test macros

Test gcode macros using above configuration examples

[gcode_macro IMONK_TEST_GAUGE]
  {% set progress = params.PROGRESS|default(0)|int %}
  {% set stage_id = printer.imonk.set_view('test-gauge', {'progress': progress}) %}
  # {action_respond_info('test-gauge sid: {} {}%'.format(stage_id, progress))}

[gcode_macro IMONK_TEST_IMAGES]
  {% set stage_id = printer.imonk.set_view('test-images', {'text': 'Text between images'}) %}
  # {action_respond_info('test-images sid: {}'.format(stage_id))}

[gcode_macro IMONK_TEST_TEXT]
  {% set stage_id = printer.imonk.set_view('test-text', {'text1': 'aaa'}) %}
  G4 P3000
  IMONK_SET_VALUE SID={stage_id} SLOT=text1 VALUE=bbb
  G4 P3000
  IMONK_SET_VALUE SID={stage_id} SLOT=text1 VALUE=ccc
  G4 P3000
  # {action_respond_info('test-text sid: {}'.format(stage_id))}

[gcode_macro IMONK_TEST]
  {% for i in range(101) %}
  {% endfor %}

  G4 P5000

  {% for i in range(101) %}
  {% endfor %}




This project came to live mainly to prove that additional display can be fully configured and controlled directly via klipper without wi-fi connection, but I'm happy to further maintain and develop the project if it gets interest