VerticaDialect has been developed and tested using the following software and versions:
Vertica Server 24.x
Hibernate 6.4.X
JDK 17 or more
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Follow instruction provided in below reference to setup environment.
Java 17
Below is an example of how you can implement verticaDialect in your app.
1.clone the repo
git clone
2.Build the Vertica Dialect
mvn clean install
3.copy jar file generated in target folder and place it in your application classpath.
4.restart the application
Below is a table for what Datatypes the current version of vertica and hibernate supports
Datatypes | Supported | Type Datatype returns |
BINARY | Yes | this datatype returns bytea. |
VARBINARY | Yes | this datatype returns bytea. |
LONG VARBINARY | Yes | this datatype returns bytea. |
BOOLEAN | Yes | this datatype returns boolean. |
CHAR | Yes | this datatype returns char(1). |
VARCHAR | Yes | this datatype returns varchar255. |
LONG VARCHAR | Yes | this datatype returns LongVarchar. |
Date | Yes | this datatype returns date. |
Time | Yes | this datatype returns time. |
TIME WITH TIMEZONE | Yes | this datatype is stored as time,but mapped to utc. |
TIMESTAMP | Yes | this datatype is returns timestamp. |
TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | Yes | this datatype is returns TimestampTz. |
INTERVAL | Yes | this datatype returns varchar. |
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND | Yes | this datatype returns varchar. |
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH | Yes | this datatype returns varchar. |
DOUBLE PRECISION | Yes | this datatype returns float8. |
FLOAT | Yes | this datatype return float. |
FLOAT8 | Yes | this datatype returns double. |
INTEGER | Yes | this datatype returns int. |
BIGINT | Yes | this datatype returns int. |
INT8 | No | |
SMALLINT | Yes | this datatype returns int. |
TINYINT | Yes | this datatype returns smallint. |
DECIMAL | Yes | this datatype returns numeric. |
NUMERIC | Yes | this datatype returns numeric. |
NUMBER | No | |
GEOMETRY | Yes | |
UUID | Yes | this datatype returns uuid. |
you can refer to VerticaSequenceSupport method in the verticaDialect.
*the dialect supports all the constraints and db objects,refer this dialect for the latest vertica 24.1 and hibernate 6.4.1.