This is a Minecraft classic server written in C++ and Lua for plugins.
Libraries: SFML, Boost, LuaBridge, OpenSSL, and zlib
When cloning this repository make sure the submodule LuaBridge is also cloned
git clone --recursive
On Linux, install the above libraries with your distribution's package manager
Arch Linux:
pacman -S gcc make sfml boost openssl zlib lua52
apt-get install g++ make libsfml-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libz-dev liblua5.2-dev
and then cd
into the source directory and run
the binary will output to bin/Release.
First, download the dependencies from Dropbox.
Extract MCHawk_dependencies into the MCHawk win32 folder. It should look like MCHawk/win32/dependencies.
Open the VS2017 project win32/MCHawk.sln and set the configuration to Release x86.
Build the project and copy contents from win32/Release to bin/Release.
The same applies to Debug with the appropriate filename changes to the above instructions.
Copy the plugins folder to bin/Release/ and run bin/Release/MCHawk to start the server.
The release version sends a heartbeat request to by default. Edit bin/Release/config.ini to change it.