面向重视隐私的用户的自托管 Node.js 分析工具。阿基运行在您自己的服务器上,分析您网站的流量并在极简接口中提供有用的统计数据。
🌍 Website | 🔮 Live Demo | 🧸 GraphQL Playground
Ackee 是一款自托管的分析工具,它注重用户隐私。 我们认为您无需跟踪访客的各个方面。 Ackee 将跟踪的数据匿名化存储以避免用户可以识别出来,同时仍然提供有用的见解。 它是所有不需要像 Google Analytics 或Matomo这样全功能的营销分析平台的合适工具。
- 自托管 : Ackee 运行在您自己的服务器上并且是100% 开源
- 现代技术 : 轻量级的Node.js 和MongoDB 架构
- 美观 : 最小化和专注的界面
- 无cookies : 没有唯一用户跟踪,因此无需cookie 信息
- 事件 : 跟踪按钮点击、资讯订阅等
- GraphQL API : 完全文档化的GraphQL API,可用于在Ackee 之上构建新工具
Get Ackee up and running…
- …with Docker Compose
- …with Docker
- …with Helm
- …without Docker
- …with Netlify
- …with Vercel
- …with Heroku
- …with Qovery
- …with Render
- …with Railway
- …with Koyeb
And configure Ackee and your server correctly…
Take a look at the FAQ if you have any questions left.
文档和指南位于 the /docs folder 文件夹中。如果您还有任何疑问,请检查常见问题解答。
Ackee features a GraphQL API that allows you to build custom tools upon Ackee. Everything you see in the UI is made from data delivered by the API.
Ackee uses environment variables and supports .env
files in the root of the project if you want to store all variables in one file. Options »
I am working hard on continuously developing and maintaining Ackee. Please consider making a donation to keep the project going strong and me motivated.
- Quit Google Analytics, Self-hosted Gatsby Statistics with Ackee
- Getting Ackee up and running with Heroku 🇪🇸
- Why I Self-Host My Website Analytics
- ackee-tracker - Transfer data to Ackee
- ackee-bitbar - Ackee stats in your macOS menu bar
- ackee-lighthouse - Send Lighthouse reports to Ackee
- ackee-report - CLI tool to generate performance reports
- gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker - Gatsby plugin for Ackee
- Soapberry - WordPress plugin for Ackee
- Ackee-PHP - A PHP Class for Ackee
- use-ackee - Use Ackee in React
- nuxt-ackee - Nuxt.js module for Ackee
- ngx-ackee-wrapper - Angular wrapper for Ackee
- django-ackee-middleware - Django middleware for Ackee
- gridsome-plugin-ackee - Gridsome plugin for Ackee
- vuepress-plugin-ackee - VuePress plugin for Ackee
- svelte-ackee - Svelte module for Ackee
- ackee_dart - Ackee plugin for Dart/Flutter (pub.dev)
- ackee-tracker-consent - A consent banner to activate detailed tracking on Ackee