Changes since 0.5.1
🚀 Features
- Added option to select directory for ringtones (random ringtone will be selected from the directory each time)
- Added multiselect for lists
- Added option to shuffle alarm ringtone
- Added backup and restore for alarms, timers, themes etc.
- Added numpad input for timers
- Added option to reduce volume while solving alarm tasks
- Added quick home screen actions for alarms and timers
- Added option to start ringtone at random position
- Added background service to keep app alive
- Added analog clock to clock tab
- Added memory (card matching) task
✨ Enhancements
- Made alarm tasks reorderable
- Added better logging system
- Added alarm labels to alarm notifications
🐛 Fixes
- Fixed non-deletable items getting deleted by list actions
- Fixed range weekly schedule not working
- Fixed system navigation bar color
- Fixed database for cities
- Fixed skipped alarms being visible to the system
- Fixed foreground notification foreground type
- Fixed date picker being stuck in the past for range alarms
- Fixed minutes not appearing when 0
- Fixed sound still playing after dismissing alarm in some cases
- Fixed data persisting even after uninstalling app (disabled auto backup)