Prototype of credit scoring system for VTB API Hackathon
- Services emulating Open banking API (couple routes for getting account and balances information). Must be provided by bank organization.
- Auth service. Must be provided by bank organization
- Data extraction service. Should get bearer token and then request and ingest information about client account/balances/transactions etc.
- APi gateway. Should contain business logic of our process: get token after user authentication, save loan applications, use "Data extraction service" to get data, that will be used by recommendation service.
- Credit rating service / recommendation service. It is also not a task of the project. Needed only for prototype demonstration
You must have Docker and docker-compose installed on your computer.
To deploy all services you need docker-compose file from this repository.
Open terminal in directory with this file and run:
docker-compose up -d
This command will launch all services in the background.