This project called cleaner has been built for scanning and cleaning the specified directories regularly.
How to use cleaner? 1.Clone this project 2.Copy cleaner.jar cleaner.conf to particular directories /bin/cleaner.jar > /usr/local/cleaner/bin/cleaner.jar /conf/cleaner.conf > /etc/cleaner.conf /bin/ > somewhere suits you /bin/ > somewhere suits you 3.Execute to install cleaner to a target machine (1)Enter the ip of target machine (2)Enter the password of root twice(one for scp, one for ssh) (3)Enter the args of cleaner.jar 4.Execute to uninstall cleaner from a target machine (1)Enter the ip of target machine (2)Enter the password of root
How many functions does cleaner have? usage: Cleaner options [-d <SCAN_INFO>] [-h] [-i <CONFIG_FILE>] [-l <LOG_LEVEL>] -d,--delete <SCAN_INFO> Scans folders in a certain period And delete the contents of the folders after a period of delay Use the following form of command: -d TARGET_FILE_PATH(absolute path):SCAN_CYCLE(seconds):DELETE_DELAY(days) eg: -d /tmp/A/:4:2,/tmp/B/:2:1 -h,--help Print help -i,--initlog <CONFIG_FILE> Initialize logback from external config file Default: /usr/local/cleaner/logs Use the following form of command: -i CONFIG_FILE_PATH(absolute path) eg: -i /tmp/logback.xml -l,--loglevel <LOG_LEVEL> Adjust the level of logs Default: INFO Use the following form of command: -l LOGBACK_LEVEL eg: -l DEBUG