Processing data of 200k houses in HCMC, raw data after scraping from is put into HDFS, then transform with Spark and load into redshift data warehouse. BI tool for data using Superset.
visualization: Superset backend: Python, Hadoop, Spark, S3, Redshift.
A class written to crawl houses in the last 2 months on Using headers and random request times.
from crawler.module import Crawler
bot = Crawler()
data =
Turn on HDFS
ssh localhost
Put local files to HDFS
hdfs dfs -mkdir /lake
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/jayson/raw310323.json /lake/
Combine multi json files in hdfs.
python3 spark/
Filter data and load to s3.
python3 spark/
Run query in file redshift/run.sql
Because of the limitation in deploying superset to production, it takes a lot of resources, so you can refer to the data visualized on mongo atlas.